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The blush on Sasuke's face intensified when he saw what Naruto was wearing.

" Th-that's... "

" I know it's yours and I'm not stealing it.... Just so you know, I'm gonna return it to you later... " Naruto cuts him off averting her eyes.

" But why exactly aren't you wearing your clothes..? "

" By 'my' clothes you mean the ones Sakura brought. They're way too uncomfortable. But this one.. " She holds the hem of the shirt she was wearing and looks down with a slight blush "... this one... smells like you. "

Sasuke almost felt as if he was stuck by lightening. Why on earth were the heavens being so mean to him. It was hard enough to look at Naruto wearing his shirt. But the reason.. How on earth was he supposed to maintain his composure..!?

Sasuke immediately averted his gaze to look anywhere except Naruto as the color reached his ears. " I-I w-well... I don't... "

Naruto realised that she might have made him uncomfortable by saying that so she tries explaining again " It's just... your smell.... I-I... m-mean... it somehow makes me feel closer to you.. that's why... "

Sasuke was ready to die. Just what on earth was the dobe saying..? Did she even realize that her words had become the reason for Sasuke to lose his stoic composure.

" And then there's the fact that the women clothes that Sakura brought are all very weird. I only had the orange jumpsuit which was decent but it's kinda dirty now.... "

" Whatever.. " Sasuke sighed and closed the door lightly to get changed " I'll be out in a minute "

Sasuke locked the door from inside and covered his mouth with one of his hand, trying to even out his breathing. His entire face was redder than a tomato.

' I'm really sorry Naruto but somehow I'm glad that you took the morning incident as a joke. That makes me feel less guilty somehow. But I really wanted to.... Gah! Just what the hell did you do to me!? Not just the female you, but the male one as well! And how the hell did I fell for the number one knucklehead and most unpredictable ninja in Konoha!? What am I supposed to do now!? ' 


With Naruto ~

" Hey Kurama, do you really think, he'll fall in love with me..? "

'He already is in love with you but you're not willing to accept it... ' Kurama thought and sighed.

" Of course he will! Just get him. And besides, didn't he already say once that if you wanted to get him on bed, you'll have to be an awesome kisser? So I'm guessing, if you manage to kiss him good, he'll probably make out with you and in majority of cases, sex can bring two people closer than ever by making them reveal their true feelings ~ "

" K-Kurama...! Stop saying things like that..! "  Naruto blushes red, remembering the time when he said that and the dream she had the first night.

" I don't want us to just make out an all.... I want a more serious thing.... "

" Yeah yeah I get it ~ But sex is inevitable. You've got a fox inside of you and foxes can get really turned on in front of their mates ~ "

" Ahhh! Just stop talking all right...!! "

After a while ~

Sasuke dresses up quite casually and opens the door again. The reason why they weren't in their formal ninja attires was because they were supposed to go undercover since no one besides Sasuke, Sakura, Lady Tsunade, Shizune and Kakshi knew that Naruto was now a girl.
Also there was the fact that Kakashi wanted the two of them to take a short break after everything they went through. So the mission to capture the shinobi and turn Naruto back to normal, if possible, was actually an official undercover mission.

" Oi dobe, let's get going then. We can have breakfast along the way.."

" All right!! "

The two of them leave the apartment and make their way towards a random restaurant. Ramen wasn't the best option for breakfast.

They reached the place and took a seat. The place was almost empty, just a few customers were there. So no one paid any attention to whoever entered.

Sasuke ordered some food for them while Naruto waited patiently. Soon the food arrived and they started eating.

After a while ~

Sasuke had already finished eating and currently he was busy seeking glances at his blondie. He had a small smile tugged on his lips as he watched Naruto eat in a very adorable way. The best part was that she was being extra careful to not spill any of the food on her clothes since they belonged to Sasuke.

She really was cute, well according to Sasuke at least. He mentally noted that his clothes with the Uchiha crest on them suited Naruto best. While he was happy that he had become a lot closer with Naruto, somewhere in his head resided a small amount of fear. Would Naruto stop having feelings for him when she changes back to a guy?

Sasuke was no idiot. He could tell by now that if not exactly 'like' or 'love', the female Naruto definitely has some sort of feelings for the Uchiha. Maybe a crush. Her blushes and fiddles would explain it. But what he couldn't tell was if her 'crush' on him is genuine or just because Naruto is a girl now that she's having some obsession over his face.

And that's why he didn't want to take advantage of her while she herself might be confused what type of feelings she's facing. But for Sasuke, one thing was certain, he loved Naruto and gender didn't matter.

He was so busy in his thoughts, he totally failed to realize that Sakura had just entered the restaurant and was currently headed towards them.

She approached their table and greeted the two of them. Sasuke wasn't paying attention. But Naruto's voice brought him back to reality.

" Oh hi Sakura-chan! " Naruto returned the greeting in her loud obnoxious voice. Now if anyone knew Naruto better, they would've been able to tell that Naruto's voice seemed... well, kinda off.

And wasn't that obvious? Naruto knew that Sakura had loved Sasuke for so long and it didn't feel right for her to just walk her way in. But it wasn't her fault either.

Sasuke realized Sakura's presence and hummed in response to her greeting. Sakura took a seat beside them and began to chatter with Sasuke. She was still nuts for him. Just a little more mature.

Naruto focused on eating but she couldn't ignore this weird uneasy feeling that would take over her stomach whenever Sakura made physical contact with Sasuke or just laugh openly with him. Even Sasuke looked comfortable around her and Naruto hated it.

Naruto literally dropped her chopsticks when what Sakura said next to a crappy joke about Kakashi sensei.

" So... well.... actually... Sa-Sasuke-kun... I have something to tell you..... Are you busy....? " She fiddled with her fingers just like the academy Hinata would do whenever she saw Naruto. A huge blush was also spread over Sakura's face.

Somehow, Naruto didn't like where this was heading.

Sakura continued " Actually, I've said this to you over and over again.... but none of the time it was in a serious mood.... and I've actually waited for a long time to prepare myself for this.... so if you would meet me near the old bridge... it definitely won't take long. It's just I really need to say it properly..... and I won't force you to reply right away either..... "

Naruto was sure now.

It was going to be a confession.

A love confession towards Sasuke!

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