Living together

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Sasuke had already moved into Naruto's new apartment that was provided by the council. The apartment was quite big and spacious so Sasuke didn't have any objections. Except for one though.

" WAKE UP DOBE!! " he yelled, banging on the door to Naruto's room. 

No response.


" Teme! Why are you making a commotion so early in the morning..? " Naruto asked sheepishly, opening the door slightly.

" The sun's already up! How can you sleep so much!!? "

" That's your question..? I'm going back to sleep. "

Pissed, Sasuke grabs Naruto's collar and drags Naruto outside to the living room and points a finger at the huge pile of ramen cups and instant noodles and other snacks lying everywhere. Empty wrappers here and there. In other words, a complete mess. " Explain!! " he demanded.

Naruto wipes his eyes and looks around lazily and literally confused " Um, what am I supposed be looking at..? "

" Look at the huge pile of trash! We moved here just yesterday! How can there be so much rubbish already? Haven't you grown up even a little? And what's up with all the ramen? Where's the actual food? I need breakfast but the fridge is empty. What happened to the grocery funds we got yesterday? " Sasuke bombarded Naruto with questions.

" that...since I didn't know how to cook, I brought canned food for you and instant ramen for myself...hehe..."

Sasuke facepalmed himself " You idiot! You could've said that before. Now we don't have anything decent to eat "

" Are you mad..? You can have some of my ramen if you want... "

" That's not the point........." He was about to continue but a knock was heard outside the window.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow and walked towards the window and pulled off the blinds only to reveal an anbu member. He opened the widow and waited for the other to speak. Naruto approached from behind and stared at the person, confused.

" It's good that you two are awake. Lord Hokage wishes your presence. " the anbu spoke.

" Whaaaat...? But it's so early! What does Kakashi sensei want us to do in the morning? " Naruto questioned lazily.

Sasuke sighed as the anbu spoke again " You'll get food "

" Fooood! " Naruto cheered up immediately. " I'll be there in a minute! " and then he rushed to his room to get changed. 

Sasuke sighed at his best friend's immaturity and looked at the anbu and nodded, to assure he'll be there as well. The anbu nodded back and disappeared. Sasuke went to get changed as well. 

Timeskip ~                                                                                                                               (At a local restaurant) 

" So what's this about, Kakashi sensei? You never usually treat us to meals, and especially breakfasts. " 

The three of them had just finished eating their breakfast when Naruto asked the question. Kakashi looked somewhat tensed as he waited for the waitress to clear out all their plates. Once she was down, he asked them to come a little closer and then he started speaking.

" Well, you see...there have been some troublemakers of shinobi who are being rumoured to have stolen the remnants of the war, that imcluded many secret scrolls and seals. I don't think they are aware of the danger those scrolls possess but it's better to get them back as soon as possible... "

Naruto was excited to be getting a mission just after a day of his discharge so he wasn't even paying attention. Sasuke, however, was listening to every word Kakashi was saying.

Kakashi continued " Well, it's just that we don't have many ninjas available right now as most of them are busy rebuilding. Plus those guys have been spotted, heading out of the land of fire. So I was hoping.... " he trailed off.

" So you want us to look into the matter? " Sasuke asked, already knowing his sensei's answer. " We'll do it then. When do we start? "

" It'll be best to start now... "

" Got it! Let's go Naruto! " Sasuke said getting up.

Naruto got up as well and punched the air above him, determined " Not that I understand this troublesome ninja deal, but I take that some bastards are looking for a fight. I'm in! Let's get going Sasuke! "

" Hm "

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