Camp night ~

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The tent was set and the firewood done. They had enough canned food for the night and the night was perfect. It was a full moon night and the stars were sparkling in the sky.

Sasuke sat down with his back against the big tree. He had already finished eating his share of dinner and was currently stargazing. Naruto finished hers and sat beside him. She looked up at the sky as well.

Sasuke closed his eyes and smiled, acknowledging how peaceful the night seemed.

" Pretty, isn't it.. "

Naruto looked at him, shocked that Sasuke would say something like that. But a sweet grin covered her face as she nodded " Yes! " Then, she supported her head on Sasuke's shoulder and smirked " But not as pretty as the one beside me right now ~ So afraid that someone will steal you ~ "

Sasuke blushed but didn't shove her away. He felt elated that Naruto's head was on his shoulder and they looked exactly like a couple right now. And she was being a tease.

" Don't worry, my love. I'm all yours ~ " Sasuke joked.

He had meant it as a joke but for some reason, something shifted in Naruto's chest. It felt tightened. She wanted those words to actually have a meaning. She wanted him.

" Mark your words then. And don't go back on it. " Naruto added, closing her eyes for a short while but not moving away from her position.

Sasuke stopped and looked at her slender figure. He stared deep into her ocean blue eyes, thinking about something to say but nothing came to him. He tried opening his mouth and say something.... just anything, to not make things heated and awkward. But Naruto's joke-like laughter broke the silence.

" Just kidding! Oh, come on Sasuke, don't have that kind of expression. "

Sasuke immediately closed his lips and swallowed. "Hn" he muttered under his breath and looked away.

Naruto averted her gaze as well. A saddened expression quite eminent on her face. But her head still rested on Sasuke's shoulder and the fact that he didn't push her away meant that he wasn't angry or anything.

'I really shouldn't make jokes that Naruto can counterattack... I'll be careful from now on... '

'Shit! Shit! Shit! What the hell was I thinking...!? Just control your damn emotions Naruto! That's not the way to make a guy fall in love'

And there it was again.


Awkward silence.

None of them spoke for quite some time. But this time, Sasuke decided to break the silence. Although he didn't have anything particular to say but he just wanted to lighten the atmosphere.

" " he coughed and cleared his throat " Have you thought about what you'll do if you don't change back.....? "

As soon as Sasuke finished the question, numerous images appeared in Naruto's head. The apartment where she and Sasuke would stay. Sasuke cooking all her favourite dishes. Them walking around the village hand in hand. Going on missions together. Kissing. Making out. Sleeping on the same bed while cuddling. Having a few 'little Uchihas' around. And so on.... The thoughts were endless.

And while Naruto got lost in her thoughts, she unintentionally muttered the words " forever and ever... "

Sasuke raised an eye brow at first but on realising that she was back to spacing out, he sighed. Not even bothering to ask what she meant just now, he started playing with the golden locks of her hair.

Naruto snapped into reality and blushed lightly before speaking up. " W-what will you do? I mean, would you leave me alone and consider me weak...? "

Sasuke chuckled and started caressing the side of her face. Then giving her cheek a little squeeze, he pulled his hand back and looked up. " Did I ever call you weak..? "

" But you do call me a loser.... " Naruto pouted, with a very small smile lingering on hed lips.

" You are one. Dobe. "

" Ne Sasuke, you didn't answer my original question. What will you do if I'm unable to turn back? Will you abandon me? "

'If only I could' he thought and then replied " Of course I won't. I won't treat you any different from now, Naru-chan "

" So we'll stay together.... like now..? "

" Well maybe... I mean I won't leave you alone now, would I? But you sure you'd be okay staying with me for long...? "

" Well, if you offer, I won't say no.. "

Sasuke slightly giggled and flicked her forehead " Idiot. Won't you move out if you find a boyfriend... " Sasuke stopped for a while, not actually liking the words that were leaving his mouth " ...or a girlfriend..? "

Sasuke's voice sounded sad and Naruto noticed that. She smirked lightly and pulled Sasuke in a tight side hug.

" Aww Sasuke ~ Don't be jealous ~ I definitely won't get a boyfriend or a girlfriend anytime soon. You're the only one for me ~ "

" S-Shut up...! " he blushed red. Naruto was definitely smirking and teasing him but little did his lovestruck heart knew that Naruto was actually serious.

Naruto giggled and gave him a sweet and soft kiss on his cheek. Then again, she went back to the hugging position.

Sasuke's entire face flushed. Why was Naruto being so sweet all of a sudden and what was with the kiss? He knew he would stumble upon his own words and embarrass himself further if he opened his mouth, so he chose silence.

When Naruto realized that Sasuke didn't comment she was a bit taken aback. She wanted an expression. She stared at him for a while and then leaning closer, she gave him another kiss. This one was also on the cheek but a little closer to his lips than the last one.

Sasuke closed his eyes tight and clenched his fists but still didn't move or harbor any reaction.

Naruto frowned and gave him a few more kisses, from his temple to his eye and from his cheek to his jawbone but he was still neither complaining nor stopping her.

Slightly irritated, Naruto started tickling Sasuke and this action of hers did earn her a reaction from Sasuke.

Sasuke burst out laughing. All the sexual tension he was facing was still there but the tickle was weighing more.

" Naru... hahahah... St-stop.... hahaha... "

" No. "

" This isn't funny...... haha.... "

" No. "

Unable to laugh any more since his stomach was already hurting, he decided to put a stop to Naruto's idiotic actions. He grabbed both of her hands and swiftly made a turn, pinning Naruto down and him being on top of her.

" Wha.... "

" You love messing around with me, don't you? "

" Ah... well.. I was just kidding around, ya know.... "

" Yeah right. Now let me return the favor. " Sasuke had that sadistic look on his face when he said that. Not the real sadistic look, a good one. He licked his bottom lip and brought his face closer to Naruto's. Then, throwing one of his signature smirks to her, he whispered in her ear.

" Get ready ~ "

" Sasuke wai... hhahahhah..... stop.... ah Sasuke... hahahahaha....... "

" Take that! "

Sasuke continued tickling her for a while. Soon when both of them get tired, Sasuke got up from the pinning position and helped Naruto up.

The two of them completely forgot about everything else and walked around the place until it was finally time for bed.

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