Next Day and a new start!

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Sasuke was the first one to wake up the next morning. He was still a little on tips after his first night with Naruto and hell it was awesome! He was still naked as he looked beside him at a very peaceful sleeping Naruto. Well, she wasn't this peaceful last night though, he thought and smiled.

He slowly got off the bed and stretched his arms and legs. Before going to the bathroom, he placed a gentle kiss on Naruto's forehead. Then another one and then another one.

'You're so cute... And finally... ' he placed another kiss on her lips before heading to the showers. ' You're mine '

The moment the sound of the year water became prominent, Naruto opened her eyes slowly. Blushing lightly, she touched her forehead and pouted " That jerk... " She was being herself is all.

Later, they decided to carry out their mission and leave Suna to find out that Shinobi. But right now, both of them had second thoughts.

The two of them were walking down the main street talking about something.

" And even if you don't change, it's not like you're not going to be hokage, so don't worry too much, okay? Although we're definitely gonna find him! " Sasuke assured.

" Yeah, I hope so. " Naruto nodded ' Although, I kinda like the present now. And I'm happy with it. So I don't really care if we continue this mission or not... '

" So you finally banged the guy ~ " The kyubi smirked.

"Sh-Shut up!!!! " Naruto yelled but turning entirely red.

" Ha ha ha ha ha told you already! And you were so loud as well! 'Oh Sasuke ~ Go faster ~Ahh~ ' " The kyubi mimicked.

" Ahahahaaaaaaa st-st-st-st-stop...... " Naruto hid her face behind her hands, in her head of course

" Oi Naru, stop day dreaming about our last night and keep moving " Sasuke called.

Naruto immediately broke out of her daze and looked at Sasuke " H-How d-did you know....? "

Sasuke sighed " Ain't that hard to read you! And besides " He smirked " Many more nights are about to come ~ "
And with that he resumed walking, leaving a completely flustered Naru.

" Te-teme....! Wait up! "

Naruto had caught up to Sasuke and they decided to meet Gaara once again before leaving. In fact they were already on their way to see him.

They both walked in silence, occasionally taking a few glances at each other, but none of them spoke.

Honestly, had it been a little longer, the environment would've turned awkward again. So Naruto decided to speak.

" So umm... I was thinking about a few stuff..... Considering what has happened and how I turned into a girl and all.... I mean I know that now we're looking for that shinobi dude... But you see... " She started rambling, without actually getting to the main point. She didn't want to change back into a boy. And like Sasuke said, it's not like hed gender will decide if she gets to be the hokage or not. She was a war hero after all.

Sasuke kinda hot the idea of what Naruto wanted to say. He kept looking at her go on and on with loving eyes.

" I love you " he slowly whispers, loud enough for Naruto to hear.

And hearing him, she stops her rambling and looks at him. That was very sudden and she wasn't expecting that now. But she gives him a smile as she wraps her arms around his neck, gently placing a sweet kiss on his lips. " Love you too "

Now the cute moment would've lasted even longer. But they were interrupted by a coughing sound. They turned their head to look at the person.

" Gaara!! " Naruto exclaims, blushing at the embarrassment of being seen by Gaara when she was publicly showing her love for Sasuke " Uhh.. we were... "

" So the room was perfect enough. I thought maybe it'll be easy for you guys to you know... I guess I was right. " Gaara smiled.

Sasuke nodded. Naruto gave him a big goofy smile. " You bastard, you planned it! "

And then the trio decided to get some breakfast. Now, whether Naruto and Sasuke were going to complete the mission or not, was completely up to them but one thing was sure.

Naruto wasn't planning on turning back anytime sooner.

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