The town and the third kiss ~

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Gaara approached the duo along with his siblings. Naruto looked up at them but instead of jumping up and down and acting as her hyperactive self decided to keep quiet to maintain the acting.

Gaara observed Naruto for a while and then looked at Sasuke who was spacing out.

" Sasuke. What brings you here? "

That broke Sasuke from his dreams and he looked up at Gaara. " Oh hey, well, I was around the area and decided to stop by.. "

" Oh " Gaara replied to that and turned to the girl who tagged along with Sasuke. He was about to ask her something but once again, Naruto spoke first.

" If you're wondering who I am, then let me tell you, I'm Sasuke's beloved girlfriend! I love him a lot just like he loves me! "

Sasuke stayed quiet and said nothing to that but his entire face was flushed and Gaara, well....

" So you're dating? "

" Yes! "

" Well, good luck then, with your relationship. I mean you and him always had a strange relationship to begin with. Honestly your relationship really fascinated me a lot, Naruto. "

And everyone paused. Sasuke coughed, feeling more embarrassed that ever. That idiot Naruto was always putting them in embarrassing situations. And as for Naruto....

She had turned beet red by now. Her cheeks were redder than tomatoes and she stuttered..

" Y-y-y-y-you... Y-y-you.... knew....? B-but.... but how....? "

Naruto's initial plan was to fool Gaara into thinking that she was Sasuke's girlfriend and then suddenly surprise him. But who would've thought..

Gaara tilted his head. " What do you mean? You are, Naruto right? But that's strange, why are you a girl? "

Tineskip ~

" So that's what happened. I see. " Gaara sighed in his signature tone while Kankuro burst out in laughter.

Temari didn't laugh, instead she pulled Naruto in a tight bear hug " Aww Naruto, you're so cute now!! You're so kawaii!! "

" Can't.... Can't breathe... "

Sasuke was watching them interact in silence. He wasn't much of a talker anyway. But what Gaara said next, not only attracted his attention but he also broke in a fit of coughing.

" So, is that why you and Sasuke are together? I mean it makes sense, since Sasuke would need a woman to produce an Uchiha and with Naruto being male, that would've been a problem... Hmm. " Gaara sai and went back to his own thoughts.

Both Naruto and Sasuke's face were flushed as Naruto started explaining " Uh... about that... I actually.... "

" Well, we're absolutely fine with it! In fact, boy or girl, you two definitely fit each other perfectly! " Kankuro added, finally managing to stop his laughter.

" Yea. Btw, that reminds me.. " Temari starts as she looks at both of them and smirks lightly " Have you guys done 'it' yet? "

Sasuke's face immediately flushed and he immediately disappeared from the scene.

Naruto had turned completely red as well but she didn't even bother looking at Sasuke. More like, she couldn't look at Sasuke. She stuttered " Wh-what...what are you sa-sa-saying.....? "

Temari smiled and kept making the teasing face as Kankuro kept adding stuff in between.

'He ran away. Well, at least it's confirmed then. Looks like he's totally in love with our dear Naruto. This is definitely going to be fun.. ' Temari thought.

With Sasuke ~ ( Sasuke's POV)

'Honestly, that damn woman, what was her name... Yea, Temari. She sure gets on my nerves! How can she ask something like that to anyone!? Asking someone if they did sex... ' I thought 'I am completely losing it at what she was saying, not because what she said hurt me or something but because I keep turning red so often and my fucking d*ck won't keep calm. Honestly, it kinda hurts to keep getting boners from time to time!'

I kept walking ahead, trying to calm my nerves down when someone bumped into me.

(Third Person's POV)

Sasuke was walking down the road when a lady with long brown-ish hair bumped into him. She immediately took a few steps back and apologized.

" I'm sorry. I didn't see you coming.... " She spoke apologetically and looked up at his face, when she realised " Oh, you're Sasuke... "

And the conversation started.

In the meantime, with Naruto ~

" Aww man, Temari really knows how to make people embarrassed. She can even say stuff like that out loud. Not that I would mind doing it with him......... "

Before she could complete that thought, she saw Sasuke. And he was smiling. At a woman.

Naruto froze for a second and tried to analyse the situation, pretty rare for someone like Naruto but anyways.

" Ok. Let's not jump to conclusions. Sasuke definitely won't be interested in someone he just met. But this girl, she's pretty. She's got long hair and Sasuke does like long hair. But she doesn't look like someone Sasuke would be interested in.... " Naruto started mumbling

" Slow down brat.. "

" So maybe... Yea, that must be it! That woman is trying to flirt with Sasuke and get close to him. And since the handsome popular guy as he already is, Sasuke must be trying to get rid of her with a smiling face. In that case, I must help him!! "

" Now now brat, I don't think that's what is happe........ "

" Shut up fuzzball, I'm right about it! I won't let that woman take him! "

And with a serious face, she marches off to where Sasuke was standing and hugs him from the back.

Sasuke flinches lightly at her touch and his cheeks heat up again. He was very aware of how Naruto's presence felt like and he knew it was Naruto who hugged him so suddenly. But what he didn't know was why would she do that.

" Na-naruto... "

Naruto poked out her head from his side and looked at the lady with a serious, challenging and glaring face. Then she referred to Sasuke " Hey, hubby, it's time to go back. Let's get going now. "

Sasuke had no idea what was going on.
'Hubby...? ' he thought, his ears attaining a deep shade of pink. " What are.... "

" Listen lady, I don't know what your intention is but would you please not bother me and my fiance right now. We're really tired actually. " Naruto complained.

The lady had pretty much gotten wind of what was going on. She held her laugh and spoke with a serious face. " Your fiance...? Well, I don't think he is married yet "

" It doesn't matter what you think! He loves me and I love him! That's all that matters! So leave him alone! "

" Love, huh? How will you prove it? "

Naruto gritted her teeth. She didn't think that this woman would talk back. But she wasn't going to let her win.

" Want me to prove it eh? Fine! I will! "

She immediately let go of Sasuke and turned him around, pulling him close. Then tiptoeing, she pulled his head slightly lower and crashed her lips against his.

Sasuke's eyes widened and his heart almost exploded. His mind went completely blank. And before he could ever understand the situation and respond back, she pulled back.

It was more of a quick peck on the lips but it was still a kiss. One that took Sasuke completely off guard and it was only because of the long black coat he always wore, his massive boner was still in hiding.

" I love him and he loves me " Naruto continued, her own heartbeat louder than ever and her legs almost shaking " So just leave us alone. He's taken and you can't have him.. "

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