Dinner at Ichiraku's

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Lady Tsunade had clearly explained the reason as to why Naruto's change was permanent. But Naruto wasn't mentally ready to accept it yet.

" B-But I don't understand.... how did it happen...? And why me....? " Naruto was on the verge of tears, as she held onto Sasuke tightly, who continued soothing her.

" It's highly probable that you've been hit with a jutsu. So it may be permanent but there might be.... just might be a very very slim chance that the person who cast the jutsu may have a solution to it.... " Lady Tsunade started, rubbing her temple, not quite sure what to make out of the situation.

But at the mention of having the slimmest of a chance to get back to normal, Naruto's ears perked up and she raised her head slightly to look at Sasuke's worried expression.

" Then.... will you.... " she began, wanting to ask if he would help her in the situation, but was immediately cut off by the raven-head.
" Of course I will! I'd do anything for you! " Sasuke blurted out, not caring about the way he framed his words.
And Naruto knew better that he actually would. So she relaxed a little and nodded with a very small smile. And unfortunately for Sasuke, she even took notice of his word-framing. She rubbed her chin against his chest with a forming smirk and asked " Really? ~ Anything..? ~ "

On realising his mistake, he blushed and immediately averted his gaze " I didn't.... It wasn't.... "

" Oh, come on, just kidding! " Naruto pulled herself away and wiped away her tears. She was feeling a lot better already after getting Sasuke's assurance. " So we're gonna look for the person who did this to me and we'll kick his ass!! "

Sasuke, regaining his composure, smirked " Damn right, we will! " he said.
'And besides, I have no idea for how long I'd be able to maintain myself around 'this' you, Naruto... Things would've been a lot less complicated if you never changed. Now it's just gotten awkward and.....crazy' he thought.

They reached home, after a long walk. It was almost evening. But as soon as they entered, another loud yell from Naruto struck Sasuke's ears.

" Why is everything a mess in the living room!!? " Naruto yelled when she saw all the trash lying around in the living room. " We seriously need to do some cleaning!! "

Once again Sasuke was left speechless. Was this really the Naruto he knew? But anyways, they all ended up cleaning the entire apartment till it was shining diamonds.

" Well, that was tiring.. " Naruto exclaimed as she threw herself down on the couch.
" It sure was! " Sasuke added, looking at his blonde teammate. He never once imagined that Naruto would volunteer in cleaning up the apartment. He was starting to quite like this soft version of Naruto. " And since, you did such an awesome job, as a reward, I'll treat you to ramen. Let's go to Ichiraku's! We'll have dinner there. "

Naruto immediately shot up from her position, with stars in her eyes. " Really!? "

Sasuke nodded.

Naruto jumped up with joy and headed towards the door. " Thank you so much Sasuke! I love you the most! "

And with that, she bounced out of the house and made her way towards Ichiraku's, leaving behind a completely flushed Sasuke.
'Wh-what....? L-Lo-love....? Me....? Th-the most.....? Honestly, th-that idiot!  How can he say embarrassing things like that all the time and not get affected at all...? ' he thought, face-palming himself. But even he didn't realise the small smile that appeared on his lips when Naruto made the unintentional declaration.

They were at the Ichiraku's and Naruto had ordered just one bowl of miso ramen, medium. Sasuke ordered the same. Teuchi and Ayame were literally shocked when the blonde disclosed her actual identity and told them the possibility that the change might be permanent. But they weren't affected as much since Naruto was still going to be Naruto after all, by heart at least. Well, for a change, she settled for only one bowl of ramen. So probably her habits were changing but her heart was still the same and that was all the old man and his daughter needed to treat Naruto the usual.

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