On the way to the apartment.

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After they finish eating, Naruto heads outside and stretches since she felt sore from sitting for too long. Sasuke pays for their meals and joins Naruto outside.

Naruto walks over him and wraps her arms around him slowly and rests her head on his chest. She was sleepy as well as tired. " Ne Sasuke, let's go home "

Sasuke was a bit taken aback by her actions but he returned the hug. Then he decided to walk towards the apartment but Naruto tugged on his shirt, with a big pout forming on her lips.

Sasuke had no idea why she was acting like that. Naruto was blushing as well but she refused to let go of him.

" What's wrong Naru..? "

She didn't respond, instead she looked at him with bright eyes and sparkles.

'So cute ~ ' Sasuke thought

Looking away from him, she finally let her words out " C-Carry me... like before... "

Sasuke felt like his heart was pierced by Cupid's arrow. He abruptly turned his head around to prevent Naruto from noticing the crimson color of his face. But unnoticed by him, Naruto was blushing red as well.

Without wasting any more time, Sasuke cleared his throat, his heart pumping fast as he picked Naruto up in his arms again. And slowly he started making his way towards the apartment.

Naruto kept her eyes shut and her arms tight around Sasuke's neck. There was a peaceful silence filling up the atmosphere around them.

" I didn't know you liked being carried often ~ " Sasuke decided to tease Naruto a bit since he wasn't sure if the peaceful silence will stay peaceful or turn awkward.

" Sh-shut up teme. I just didn't want to walk, th-that's why " Naruto pouted.

" If that's what you want me to believe ~ I'm fine of you don't want to accept the fact that you like being close to me, Naru ~ "

" Wh-who likes being close to you, huh..? Yo-you're dreaming.... "

" okay okay ~ " Sasuke teased and laughed. Once again, it was a real laugh, and true enough that only Naruto was able to bring Sasuke to laugh his heart out. She was the only one that made Sasuke feel alive. Even when she was a boy, Naruto was the only person who could bring out any kind of emotions out of Sasuke. Only him. And it's the same now as well.

Naruto was mesmerized by his laugh. He looked so fascinating right now. At once she remembered the dream she had, him kissing her. And her entire face flushed. But he was just there. So close. Just a little effort and she could claim his lips.

" Go ahead kit. Kiss him "

Unconsciously, she reached out her left hand to touch Sasuke's cheek. His skin was so smooth. She caressed his face gently and a small smile formed on her lips.

Sasuke was taken aback at her actions. He kept staring at her, trying to figure out what she was doing. He felt himself getting hot for some reason.

Naruto was feeling Sasuke's facial features when her hand trailed off to his lips. Sasuke's breath hitched when he felt her tracing her thumb over his lips. He slightly parted them, wanting to say something but no words came out. Naruto kept tracing his lower lip with a small smile as she mumbled ever so lightly " Mine. "

Sasuke was too deep in his thoughts on what was going on, he missed what Naruto muttered. He fixed his gaze on Naruto's eyes that were in turn fixed on his lips. Slowly, she rose her gaze and their eyes met.

After a second or two, Sasuke breaks the silence and looks away. " We should get going... We have a mission to attend tomorrow... " he says.

His mind was still a mess. 'Did Naruto want to... kiss me..? Then why did she stop...Gah!! Stop your wishful thinking, Uchiha! Once she turns back into a guy, she probably wouldn't even want to be this close to me. I just hope everything goes well and we capture that bastard of a shinobi. Probably, when he turns back, I'll get into my senses as well. And besides, we're best friends for fuck's sake. Best friends don't lust over each other! So control your damn hormones! '

Naruto looks away and nods, saying nothing. Her heart beat was loud enough but so was Sasuke's. It didn't matter which one was faster. But for Naruto, things were starting to get clearer than crystal. She knew what this was. Sure she was an idiot but she was not stupid to not notice what she wanted the most right now.

She thought she had already had this feeling once. It was Sakura then. But now, it wasn't her anymore. And this time felt different. So damn different. It felt more stronger. She knew what she was feeling and she also knew who these feelings were for.

On one hand, she felt really happy that it was Sasuke but at the same time, she felt scared. What did Sasuke think about her? Did he even had the same feelings like her? Would he stop being so close with her once she changes back into a guy?

" You shouldn't think all this, he likes you as well. Just confess already and tell him that you are okay with being a girl and you're okay being with him. Forever. "

'I can't do that Kurama. '

" Sure you can "

'And what if he..... '

" He won't. "

'Okay, I'll try.. '

Naruto was about to open her mouth when Sasuke spoke up " I hope the mission goes well. Then you won't have to stay a girl forever... I swear, I'll not let that shinobi off the hook that easily. How dare he mess with people's gender. Does he not know how much trouble it causes!? "

Obviously Sasuke was referring to the trouble in which he was falling for his best friend. He wanted to claim Naruto completely. He wanted to touch her, kiss her and make her his. But Naruto interpreted it differently and immediately hushed up.

'He doesn't want me to stay in this form. He wants me to change back. And he said... he said that me being a girl is causing him troubles... hah! What was I hoping? There's no way he'd ever like me that way. I was stupid... For a second, I really believed Kurama and thought... and thought that....... "

Naruto doesn't realize, but before she finishes her thoughts, big tear droplets were already leaking out of her eyes. And in seconds, she started crying and looked at Sasuke, tears trailing down her cheeks.

Sasuke panicked. He had no idea why Naruto would start crying all of a sudden. He swiftly jumped over a roof and placed her down gently. Then he cupped her cheeks, trying to wipe away the tears but more kept falling.

" Naru, what's wrong..?  Did you remember something or are you hurt somewhere...? Hey, Naru calm down and look at me, okay.. " he tried assuring her but his actions ended up hurting her more. 'Stop treating me like this.. I'll misunderstand.... ' she thought, trying desperately to stop her tears.

" Hey, Naru. I know whatever this is we can figure it out okay. You can tell me anything. I'll listen. I'm always going to be here, alright. I'll never leave you, just like you never left me... So please don't cry... "

Naruto didn't want to be led on. But what exactly was she supposed to do? She wanted Sasuke and the fact that she's been causing trouble for Sasuke made her worse.

She wasn't crying because of any other reason. She was in tears because she wanted to be with Sasuke but she knew it wasn't possible. Now how was she supposed to state this trouble of her to Sasuke. So she had to find a different reason as to why she was crying. So in between sniffles, she asked slowly " Am I a burden...? Am I...causing you any trouble...? "

Sasuke immediately understood what she was referring to. He mentally slapped himself for not using the right words. He pulled Naruto in a hug and started rubbing soothing circles on her back.

" Do you really believe that? You chased after me for years. You saved me. Do you really think that now that you're a girl, you're going to be a burden to me..? Like I said before I'll do anything for you, I really did mean it. So you shouldn't worry about unnecessary stuff 'kay? "

Naruto relaxed in his hug and slowly dried off her tears. Then she slowly nodded. She was happy that she wasn't any trouble for him but that wasn't the point why she cried in the first place.

But at that point she made up her mind. If she can't be with Sasuke forever then she's going to enjoy her time with him now when she can.

Soon after she stopped crying, Sasuke cradled her in his arms and they reached the apartment safe and sound.

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