Camp Night ~ (cont.)

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The tent was set and the fire was put out. Sasuke and Naruto were both sitting inside the tent, facing each other.

" Don't snore when you fall asleep. I really want to have a nice sleep. " said Sasuke, spreading his blanket

" Don't worry about it! I definitely won't. And besides, I'm tired as well... " Naruto yawned and lay flat over all the blankets

" Tch. Oi dobe, get up. I'm still spreading the sheets down and don't sleep over the blankets! "

" Oh come on Sasuke, chill out. "

" Do you want me to tickle you again? I don't mind touching you ~ "

Naruto blushes at his sexy tone and immediately gets up with a somewhat pouting face. " You pervert! "

" Phew! " Sasuke sighs and continues doing his work. Naruto kept watching him work with a soft smile on her face.

" Stop staring. It's creepy "

" I'm just looking at your calm and sweet demeanour. You look so sexy. " Naruto hummed sweetly.

Sasuke flinched and stopped. A redness spread throughout his cheeks and he looked at Naruto. " Wh-what...? "

" You're really handsome.... "  Naruto started speaking dreamily, not in her usual hyperactive way " I think I finally understand what all the other girls meant when they called you handsome.... "

Sasuke started feeling hotter than ever. His cheeks burned and he choked on his own words.

Naruto realized that she might be making Sasuke uncomfortable so she smiled and wrapped her arms around Sasuke pulling him in a hug. " You're really sweet, that's what I'm saying. Let's go to bed already, it's getting late "

Then pulling away she tucked herself inside her blanket and turned around, facing away from Sasuke.

Sasuke was still not moving. His heartbeat was so fast that he was afraid Naruto might hear it. He had no idea how to make it stop. He didn't like being awkward and at a loss of words. But one thing was certain, the more time he spent with Naruto, the more was he falling in love.

Trying hard to control his unsteady breathing, he covered himself with the blanket in the hopes of falling asleep.

But he knew very well that he couldn't. Not while Naruto was still right next to him.

Naruto had made up her mind already. She wasn't going to give up on Sasuke. Now all that was left was to come up with something to make sure she gets to maintain her female form.

Making her final decision, she slowly closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep.

Sasuke, however, couldn't just go to sleep. His entire mind was full of thoughts about Naruto and what their future could be. He didn't want Naruto to turn back and even if she was a boy again, he'd still want to be with him. That's how deep he was in it.

Since nothing else was working, he decided to reminisce about the old times. Every time he tried to break off their relationship, he was reminded of the special bond shared between him and Naruto. And how he failed every time in doing so. He was glad. He was happy that he wasn't able to erase that bond. He was happy Naruto cared about him.

And soon, without even realising, he was driven into the depths of dreams.

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