Mission went wrong...?

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Third person's POV ~
Timeskip ~

Sasuke and Naruto were jumping over the trees and making there way to the village, through the forest. Naruto, well.... the now-female Naruto had a huge bump on her head. Apparently that's where Sasuke yanked her when he gained consciousness. He was mad for her to do something so 'outrageous'. She was a girl and she had just made him grope a girl's female parts. And the fact that he liked touching and feeling on her breasts made him even angrier and embarrassed.

" Don't do that again! " Sasuke stated bluntly " Ever! "

" Aww, but you liked it, didn't ya'? " Naruto teased, making another pouting face. " You even got a nosebleed, you perv ~ "

Sasuke shivered before stopping. " I swear... " he spoke in an awfully serious tone, desperately trying to hide the blush forming on his face " If you tell anyone about it, I swear I'll make you pay! "

" Okay okay... I won't tell anyone that you enjoyed feeling my boobs ~ "

" Shut up! "

" Hehehehe.... "

Timeskip ~
Hokage's tower ~

Kakashi was scribbling on some notes when banging on the front door was heard. He pretty much figured who it was.

" Come in "

As soon as he asked them to enter, the door swung open and a loud Naruto barged in, followed by a poised Sasuke.

Kakashi sighed and raised his head to find out what the problem now was. He had already received the mission report from Sasuke's summoned snake, stating that they let all the shinobi go, since they accepted that they just planned to get some money by selling the scrolls. He also mentioned that they have secured all the seals as well. So now Kakashi wondered why the blonde was all hyped up. But he stopped momentarily when he saw what he saw. 

It was Naruto all right, the loud voice and actions explained it but what he saw was also a petite figure that barely reached Sasuke's neck and long blonde hair tied in tails. 

" Um..Naruto...? That you..? " he asked, quite amused by the new image of Naruto's sexy jutsu. " Why are you using your......"

" Don't you even start by saying that it is my sexy jutsu, coz it's not! I have actually turned into a girl and now I can't change back " 

" Oh " he responded, quite shocked. 

" What do you mean by 'Oh' ? I'm serious here! I really became a girl! Sasuke confirmed it! " 

Now this had peeked Kakashi's interest. Sasuke confirmed it..? He looked at Sasuke who had yanked Naruto once again over the head. Kakashi raised an eyebrow with a smirk forming beneath his mask. Sasuke blushed with embarrassment. " It's not what you're thinking! " 

" ok ok " Kakashi gained his composure and examined Naruto before speaking again " Well, it may be that someone else cast a jutsu on you. Did someone do anything while you were capturing them..? "

" Not that I can remember. They all seemed pretty weak. We just needed a few strong punches and they were all out cold " Naruto replied, trying to remember every detail that took place. Sasuke nodded.

" Well, I'll let Tsunade-sama know about this and you probably should go visit her. " Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck. " Sasuke, you'll be accompanying her and yeah there's one more thing...."

Naruto was out in her own world, probably doing some thinking of his own while Sasuke listened 

" Get Naruto some decent cloths, will you? I mean, his male cloths won't actually... you know what I mean...." Kakashi trailed off with a slight blush beneath his mask.

Sasuke immediately realized what he was talking about and his own face flushed, remembering the incident that had happened a while ago in the forest.

" I-I'll see t-to that!! " he replied quickly and grabbed Naruto by her arm and pulled her out of the room. 

Kakashi was kinda surprised at his stuttering and his blushing. But oh well, he already had a lot on his plate. 

Sasuke was dragging Naruto with him. Naruto was, for the first time, being obedient. She wasn't complaining and was okay with Sasuke pulling her with him.

Before leaving the tower, Sasuke pulls off his cloak and wraps it around Naruto. She looks up at him with a what-are-you-doing look. He looks away, embarrassed, saying " You'll be needing cloths. Wear it till we get some for you " 

" Okay...thanks...? "

" Just shut up and follow! "

" You're still a bastard, teme! "

" Dobe! "

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