Sasuke's turn.

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'N-N-N-Naruto just....... k-k-k-k-kissed....... me...... ' Sasuke's mind went into a frenzy, as he could feel the immese heat that was rising throughout his body. Ok.... Calm down..... I need to calm down..... we've kissed twice before so it's not a big deal..... '

On the inside, Sasuke's demeanour was still cool and composed with just a massive blush and an astonishing boner that was covered with the fabric of his black robe. But on the inside, he was a panicking mess and had no idea about what to do. Although he did understand why Naruto had done that.

'Idiot dobe! Y-you..... How can act so childish......! Isn't it obvious that she's pulling your leg..!?'

Watching all this drama going on, the girl broke into a fit of laughter. Naruto stared at her confused.

" You've got your boyfriend in a very uncomfortable position it'd seem " She cooed, referring to the face that Sasuke wanted more of her.

" What do..... " 'What do you mean' was what Naruto was about to ask but a young man's voice interrupted her.

" Oh hey Kiri-chan! I'm back! Let's go home now. "

The brown-haired girl who was talking with Naruto and Sasuke till now, turned around smiling and said " Hey darling! Well I was just talking to Sasuke, the war hero, about him and his love life. I'm done now, let's go! Is Hiro-chan back? "

" That kid is definitely your son! He skipped class again! "

" Can you blame him? He's just 8 "

And with that, that woman linked arms with the man as they moved forward. Naruto was confused and realisation was slowly hitting in. Before going away from the scene, the lady turned her head and through her shoulder and passed a quick teasing smirk towards Naruto.

Now Naruto was speechless and more than embarrassed. That woman was married. So she wasn't hitting on Sasuke. She was just talking to one of the war heroes. And she even had a kid. But Naruto had just.... had just....

Oh yeah, she almost forgot that she..... kissed him.

Her head was lowered and she dared not look into sasuke's face. She slowly decided to take her chances and look up to him. Since otherwise, it would turn extremely awkward.

She had just managed to look upto his chin when Sasuke spoke up

" D-Do you really like to test my limits, Naruto? "

" Huh...? "

And within a second, Sasuke had changed their positions. Moments ago they were in the middle of the street and now they were in an empty alley and Sasuke had pinned Naruto to the wall.

" Just why.... Just why do you have to push my buttons so much that... " Sasuke's sharingan was on and he looked kinda flustered. Like he was hurting about something " That I lose control completely..... "

Before Naruto could say even a word, Sasuke had already claimed her lips with his.

And this time it was Naruto whose mind short-circuited. She didn't know what was happening, and she didn't even want to know. All she knew, or rather, all she felt was Sasuke's lips moving against hers in complete harmony. And it felt fucking perfect.

Even she didn't realize but she had already started kissing him back.

Sasuke's hand slowly wandered down, wrapping around her waist and the other around her neck pulling her close. Naruto had her arms around Sasuke's neck as they kept kissing.

The sweet and innocent kiss turned into a passionate one. Their bodies were pressed against each other and heat that surrounded them was crazy. Sasuke positioned one of his knees between Naruto's legs that earned him a soft moan. Sasuke's heartbeat quickened at that. He continued kissing her deep as he rubbed his knee around her nether regions. His crotch was twitching and begging for attention. With Naruto pressed against him, he was sure that Naruto had felt it.

Naruto did feel it. Something really hard was pressing against her lower abdomen. She blushed red at that. Sasuke was turned on because of her. And she wasn't a saint either. Her panties were soaking wet and she was aroused as hell. She needed Sasuke.

It would've turned into a hardcore on-street make out session but unfortunately it didn't.

" Look mom! Two people are going to make a baby! " a kid's voice gained both of their attentions. He was a small child who looked around 6-7 years old. Maybe he was passing by that alley.

But just as he said that, another woman came running towards him and put a hand over his mouth to stop him from saying anything else.

With an apologetic look, she turned towards the couple and said " I'm really sorry about that... Uh.. Please continue. And.... Good luck! "

And taking the kid with his arm, she hurried off the scene.

And she had told the two of them to continue. Like hell they could do that now.

" Make a baby, huh? " Sasuke whispered in a sexy voice and looked at Naruto who was completely flushed at the fact that someone saw them doing.... all that mature stuff.

" Sounds good, eh? " Sasuke whispered in her ears, sending chills down her spine. Her legs had completely given up and it was taking her all to even keep standing.

But soon this problem was also solved, since Sasuke picked her up, holding her butt, and she had wrapped her legs around his waist. Her arms were still around his neck and their bodies were glued together. And then he started kissing and nibbling on Naruto's neck. Only their muffled moans could be heard.

'It's like the dream.... ' Naruto thought as Sasuke kept sucking on her sensitive skin.

Completely lost in the euphoria Sasuke had landed into, his lower region was already rubbing on Naruto's lower regions which had sent her into pure bliss.

She had wanted him for so long and now they had come to this. They were kissing and he was squeezing her hips and sucking on her skin. He was even rubbing on her. She wanted to do it right then and there. But as soon as she thought that they would get to the real part, Sasuke pulled back. He had a teasing smirk on his face.

He licked his lips as he said in a sexy voice " You taste really sweet. I really want to eat you up Naru-chan ~ "

Both of their heartbeats were skyrocketing.

" Sa-Sasuke....."

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