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Naruto had no idea what had gotten into Sasuke for him to just disappear on her, his best friend for God's sake! She just kept staring at the door for who knows what reason, with a hint of sadness apparent on her face.

However, the scene that just played in front of them was not taken as a good sign by Sakura. For some reason, she suddenly got this uneasy feeling. Some sort of insecurity, maybe. But keeping the thought aside, she dragged Naruto back to her room for getting her fully clothed and then to go shopping.

With Sasuke
(Third person's POV)

Sasuke was done with his shower and was a lot calmer now. He decided not to think too much about what came over him before. Or rather, he was fighting desperately against his own animalistic thoughts about his best friend.

His mind was in a turmoil while his hands were busy chopping the veggies for a meal. He was cooking when his mind wandered off to far away places.

" Tch! Teenage hormones! "

After two hours ~

Naruto knocked on the front door to the apartment. It wasn't a loud bang like he always preferred. It was rather a simple and 'sophisticated' knock.

Sasuke walked up to the door and opened it slowly, only to reveal a tidy Naruto dressed perfectly in an orange jumpsuit, not the same old baggy one. A nice and figured orange and black jumpsuit and shorts. It wasn't sexy, not even a bit but her curves were still being highlighted. (A/N : Just imagine your version of female Naruto in her clothes)

Sasuke didn't realize but he was looking her up and down. On realising that Sasuke was checking her out in her new clothing, she blushed and fiddled.
'Does he hate it...? she thought, a little anxious.

But saying nothing, Sasuke walks back in, opening the door for her to enter. He didn't make any comment. The small blush that appeared on his cheek and a sweet smile that grazed his lips went completely unnoticed by anyone present there.

The fact that Sasuke didn't say anything about her new look, made Naruto quite upset. She didn't know why but she wanted Sasuke to at least say that she looked good or just.. anything. After all, it's always been that way. Naruto running after Sasuke's acknowledgement. But this time it felt different, somehow.

Naruto slowly walked in with a slightly disappointed look. Sasuke noticed her quietness and turned to see what was wrong.

" You okay, dobe? "

Naruto's head shot up as she quickly replies " I'm fine! "

" That's good then. Come in, I prepared you something delicious. To lighten up your mood " Sasuke smiled and started walking towards the kitchen again. But before going away, he looks back at Naruto over his shoulder and with a slight smirk-ish smile, he says " You look really pretty like that, Naru ~ "

And then he walks in, not looking back since he himself was blushing lightly and didn't want the dobe to tease him about that.

And as for Naruto, as soon as Sasuke's back was turned, a deep shade of crimson rushed to her face. She stood still, surprized and blushing like a crazy idiot. Somehow, his complement made her more than happy.

She shook her head frantically, and slapped her cheeks lightly to get out of the daze. Then, with her signature grin plastered on her face, she rushed inside the kitchen as well.

" So whaddya cook!? " She asked, placing herself on a chair and stared at Sasuke's back.

" Well, it's not ramen... "

" Oh that's fine! Anything you cook is gonna be delicious anyway! " she cheered happily.

Sasuke smiled softly and began to prepare the table. " Wow, I'm amazed that you're not mad for not getting any ramen "

" Haha very funny! It's not like the only food I ever eat is Ramen. And besides, too much ramen is bad for my health. "

On hearing that, Sasuke literally dropped the plate he was currently holding and stared wide-eyed at Naruto. Did he hear that right?

" A-are you being serious about that..? " He asked, confused " That too much ramen is bad for your... um... health... "

" Of course it is! I mean, Ramen is the tastiest thing in the entire world and especially Ichiraku's ramen but eating it too much can give you a tummy ache. "

Sasuke just let out a still-shocked-but-slightly-amused chuckle and resumed eating. He didn't think that changing genders will have this great of an effect on his dobe.

Soon after they finish eating, Naruto stands up and stretches. Then, he picks up the dishes and looks at Sasuke

" You can leave the dishes to me ya'know! And then we can go to baa-chan. " she smiled.

Sasuke kept getting surprised at the small changes in the new Naruto. If it were the old Naruto, he would never have offered to clean up. He was always messy when it came to food, let alone cleaning stuff. But this Naruto was actually offering to do the dishes.

" Er... Yeah... sure... why not "

" Great! ~ "

And so, after Sasuke finished eating, he watched Naruto very intently as she washed all the dishes quite happily and that too while humming a small tune.

" All done! Now let's go to baa-chan!! "

" O-Okay "

After a while ~
Konoha hospital ~

" No no no no no... please tell me you're joking! Please baa-chan... don't do this to me! You're joking right? Tell me you are.... " Naruto looked beyond terrified, she was literally trembling.

" Calm down dobe! We're gonna figure something out. Stop freaking out.... " Even Sasuke seemed worried. He was trying to calm Naruto down, who was clearly not in her best moods, rubbing circles on her back.

She looked up at Sasuke, all teary eyed. " But you heard her..... "

Before she could continue, Sasuke pulled her into a tight hug. He kept comforting her as he looked at Lady Tsunade.

" Are you sure about this...? I mean there could be a mistake... " he began but was immediately cut off by Lady Tsunade.

" There's nothing wrong with her chakra network. All her vitals are normal as well. She's perfectly healthy. And as for her change, I can bet on it when I say... " she paused for a second and then continued " .... that it's permanent "

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