On the way (Part 2)

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Ino was confused. What on earth was Sakura talking about? Naruto? Challenge or something? Wasn't competing?

She tried to smile and cheer up her friend by adding " Oh come on Sakura. We all know that Naruto is like the strongest shinobi in existence. So it's ok even if you lost to him... you know... it's not a big deal... "

Hinata was also confused. " But Sakura-chan is also on par with them now, so it's weird if Sakura lost when Naruto wasn't competing at all... "

They both got to wondering what might have happened and how did Sakura lose and in what. But what they didn't know was the fact, Sakura wasn't referring to matches and fights at all.

She looked over at her two friends and initiated a big bear hug, as she cried her eyes out. Ino was shocked at first and so was Hinata, but the two of them knew better, not to make things more complicated. So they returned the hug, comforting Sakura to forget and let go.

Sakura was really happy to have friends like them. She slowly stopped crying and reminisced about her younger days, picturing all the times Naruto and Sasuke fought over silly things. That sure was funny. It was almost like the two hated each other's guts but she also knew, the first person either of them would think of whenever they were in trouble, was the other. For Naruto, it was always Sasuke and for Sasuke, it was always... Naruto. Like separably inseparable.

'I lost to Naruto in..... Love'

With Sasuke and Naruto -

It had almost been half a day since they started walking. The path was simple and empty. A bunch of trees and bushes, they took the forest route, and small animals and birds, here and there. Sometimes, they'd come across a few people, who'd just greet them happily and thank them for all their hard work during the war. The most recent people who greeted them seemed to be a couple. 

They were really kind and didn't make fun of Naruto at all, even though he was a girl now. Instead, they complemented Sasuke for having 'hit the jackpot', while they smirked at Naruto. Naruto being dense didn't understand it while Sasuke thanked the couple while blushing. 

At first Sasuke thought that he will be resented by every citizen because of all the trouble he had caused but he was shocked that there were people who were ready to forgive him. He was glad that he was being accepted, not by all but there were people who forgave him and accepted him. And not just that, they were also pairing him up with the other war hero, Naruto. Not that he mind it.

 The sun was at its brightest and it was about time Naruto started complaining. she was getting tired of just walking. Her initial plan was to get Sasuke to fall in love with her but if they just kept walking, then there was no possible way that she'd even get a chance of doing anything.  

" Ne Sasuke, let's take a break. I'm hungry. Let's camp here tonight! " Naruto whined.

" Naruto, you do realize that it's just afternoon. It's not even nightfall and you already want to stop? " sasuke asked, turning around and stopping. He too wanted to spend time with Naruto without any disturbance but he didn't plan to show any weakness.  He didn't want Naruto to get the upper hand.

" But I want to spend time with you real bad, Sasuke....please, let's set the camp already " Naruto clinged  to Sasuke's arm and looked up at his face. She was doing that again.

Her recently learned 'puppy-eyed' attack that was able to bring even the mightiest Uchiha to his knees.

Sasuke choked in his own saliva. His ears turned a light shade of pink as he coughed a little. Then, sighing, he nodded. 'How can you say that so easily...? Honestly, Naruto...'

" Since my dear Naru-chan wants to spend some premium alone time with me, I'll gladly accept~ " was what Sasuke had wanted to say but Naruto spoke before him.

" You're the best onii-chan~ Love you!! " Naruto exclaimed and ran towards a big tree, around which she was planning to set up the tent.

Sasuke was left speechless yet again. He blushed red and stumbled upon his own words. He was getting kinda used to being at a loss of words and the red colour taking over his face due to Naruto's actions. " wh-wh-what....I-I told you...n-not to call me that....."

Naruto didn't hear what he was mumbling about and continued setting up the tent. sasuke 'tched' and made his way towards her using big steps. He wanted to put it in Naruto's head that he wasn't happy at being called that, at all. He'd rather prefer something more intimate, of course he won't say it but still, he wanted to make sure if Naruto was just kidding around or did she actually saw him as her brother, coz that's what she kept saying before when Sasuke abandoned the village.

He quickly headed towards her and as soon as she looked at him, tilting her head, he grabbed her arms and pushed her against a tree.  His both hands on either side of Naruto's head. Naruto looked up at him, her heart skipping a beat.

" Sasuke... "

" I'm sorry but I just..... " Sasuke began, averting his eyes to look anywhere beside Naruto's but Naruto interrupted 

" That was an awesome kabe-don!! Where'dya learn that!? " 

" kabe....what..? "

" Sakura-chan once told me about it. She said she wanted you to kabe-don her... wait, did you do this to her as well...? "

" what..? By this kabe-don, do you mean pushing you against the wall...? "

" Yeah!! "

" Ok then why would you think that I did it with Sakura..!? "

" You didn't..? Then that's great! Take that Sakura. I scored another point! It's 2 to 0 now. Yes! "

Sasuke forgot what he was initially going to say and wondered what Naruto was going on about. But since he already knew that he wasn't going to get any of the weird stuff Naruto keeps mumbling from time to time, he decided to focus on what he wanted to say.

He grabbed Naruto's chin with his thumb and index finger, in the shoujo manga style, and lifted her face up, bending his head down.

Naruto kept mumbling about something and all of it stopped as she started into his eyes.

" Naruto, you should know better, not to mess with me. So why don't you drill it in your head that I don't plan to be or act like your br........... "

" Are you finally going to kiss me now..!? But this isn't the type of kiss I like.... "

An irk mark appeared on Sasuke's forehead as he bit his lip. Naruto was pushing his buttons and it was already hard for him to keep himself in composure.

He smirked, that went completely unnoticed by Naruto, and thought 'so that's how you're going to play it? Fine then, keep at it. I won't lose either!

He bent to reach Naruto's ear and whispered ever so lightly " How can you be this impatient Naru? ~ " He laid a few butterfly kisses starting from her ear to her jawline as his hands moved downwards to hold her waist. " Do you want my lips that bad? ~ "

Naruto felt jolts of electricity running down her body. She hadn't expected Sasuke to last this long. Her sexy jutsu always brought guys to their knees but how was Sasuke not only resisting it but also getting back at her? She had no idea. She wanted Sasuke to just give in to his primal instincts and make the first move but he had just turned the tables. 

It was Naruto who was having a hard time now. Sasuke nibbled on her jawline as Naruto stood frozen. Sasuke approached her chin and looked up at her squeezed eyes, as he continued kissing on her soft skin. She had her eyes shut but this time she was sure, Sasuke would move a little bit upward and claim her lips.

But Sasuke smirked and let go. He licked his lips and hummed an "mmm" and left to set the firewood.

Naruto dropped to her knees and breathed heavily. Her legs were left shaking and her face had turned crimson. She planned on never washing her face.

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