Where are you..?

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Naruto was speechless. Her mind was a mess. She immediately took a step back and transformed into her kyubi form. Then, within a fraction of seconds, she disappeared from the scene.

Kakashi sighed, but he was also getting slightly amused at how things were turning out.

And Sasuke, he stood by the doorway, staring at the spot that was occupied by Naruto just a second ago. His mind was completely taken over by millions of questions that he didn't have any answer to.

After a few seconds of silence he turned back, ready to leave but Kakashi's voice brought him into reality.

" Well, that must have been awkward... "

Sasuke stopped to look at him but chose silence as his answer.

" So anyways, what brings you here..? "

" It's.. " he begins but Kakashi cuts him off again.

" By the way, I got news about the shinobi who might be responsible for the problem Naruto's facing. It seems that our dear friend is a chunin from the land of whirlpools. "

Sasuke's look turned serious but he was still silent.

" If you're up for it, I can create an official mission for the two of you by tomorrow. So..? "

" Ok "

" Good. Now off you go and make sure that you talk to Naruto beforehand. She seems to have some troubles... "

A small blush made it's way to Sasuke's ears who succeeded in keeping a cool face. He nodded and turned around. But before he could go, Kakashi spoke once again.

" Oh, and try to lower your voice when you're using the public bathroom especially for... you know... those purposes... and that too at night... " his smirk was visible even with the mask on.

Sasuke froze and his entire face heated up, turning crimson. He immediately turned to face Kakashi and stuttered out " Y-y-y-y-you.... y-you... how...? "

" Well, I was reading icha-icha when someone entered the last cubicle. But don't worry, I left immediately after I heard you call out Naruto's name... so desperately ~ "

Sasuke had no words. He opened his mouth to throw an explanation but nothing came out. His face was already beet red and his heart beat began to quicken. Kakashi just chuckled at his reaction.

" For someone who helped defeating the strongest enemy in the history of the shinobi world, Lady Kaguya, you certainly are really feeble when it comes to matters related to the heart " Kakashi pointed towards the door as if ushering him to leave. 'Alas Naruto is also the same'

Sasuke immediately disappeared from the room as well. Now he didn't know if he should think about what Naruto blurted out or the fact that Kakashi knew he jerked off to his best friend.

" Ahhhh" he groaned and tried to clear his head as he continued jumping over the roof tops " Naruto.. I need to find her... "

Naruto had panicked when she saw Sasuke near the doorframe. So she decided to leave immediately in her kyubi form. But having no particular place to go, she somehow ended up in her previous apartment.

Her face was red, and her head was pounding loud. Sasuke had heard it. Sasuke heard her call him handsome and in that tone. It was over. Sasuke would hate her now. Sasuke wouldn't want to be in her presence anymore. He wouldn't... And so were the negative thoughts that were taking over Naruto's head. She was more worried of how Sasuke would treat her from now on. He hated fangirls and Naruto's fit was exactly like one's.

The old furniture was still intact inside the old apartment, although the place was dustier than before. Naruto found a corner and made herself seated, hugging her knees closely to her chest as she put her head on them and closed her eyes.

It was only morning and Naruto hadn't had a decent meal. Time passed and the morning turned into afternoon and then into evening. Naruto was still cooped up in the corner, sometimes spacing out, sometimes thinking and sometimes talking to kyubi, who kept making fun of her.

" Admit it brat! You like him. "
" I do not. He's... He's Sasuke.. "
" That's exactly why! He's Sasuke. The one and only,the person you were willing to die for. You gotta admit, you've got the hots for the guy. "
" I don't!! "
No need to lie! Naruto's got a crush~ Naruto's got a crush ~ "
" Ahh.. Shut up! "

Time flew fast. She didn't realise that it was evening already and she had no intention to move from her place.

And as for Sasuke. He was worried. No that'd be an understatement. He was losing his mind. He had been looking for Naruto from the start of the day and now that the day was about to end, he still didn't know where she was.

He had looked everywhere. From the academy to the training grounds, the ramen stands to other restaurants, he'd searched everywhere. His sharingan burned deep red as he kept looking.

'Where the hell are you Naruto...? '

Finally, he came to a halt when he saw Sakura coming up to him. She stopped abruptly and caught her breath. Then she looked up to him and proceeded.

" She's not in the bathhouse as well. None of the street vendors saw her. I don't know where she is... "

Sasuke didn't reply but the extreme sadness and fear that he was facing was clearly visible on his face. Sakura immediately understood that Sasuke was on the verge of breaking out. He might even go crazy if they didn't find her. So she added

" There still are a few places where she could've gone. I'll go around the marketplace and you can go check her old apartment, okay..? "

Sasuke didn't reply. He nodded and made his way to her old apartment.

' You promised that you won't leave my side, then where are you right now? '

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