Dinner at Ichiraku's (cont.)

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Sasuke felt guilty. So terribly guilty that it was killing him. It was true that he liked Naruto's company, and only his... or her. But at the same time he felt unworthy. He was maintaining his outer composure when Naruto's voice brought him back to reality.

" Let's go back Sasuke. "

" Hm"

And then they headed outside. They were walking slowly. Naruto was awfully quiet and Sasuke was not in his best spirits. The silence was getting awkward when Naruto decided to break it.

" You know it was really hard..... I mean trying to get you back, to bring you home.... " she began.

Sasuke bit his cheek as he prepared for the next hit. 'This it it. She's going to hate me... so much... ' he thought. " Listen, I... "
he began.

" I'm so glad! I'm so glad that I didn't give up on you. I would never do that, ya know! And now you're finally back! You're home Sasuke " she was standing in front of him now " You're really home Sasuke... " She exclaimed, her eyes glossy as she cupped his cheeks with both her hands. " I thought I'd never get you back... I was so scared... "

As a reflex, Sasuke immediately pulled her into a hug. " I'm so sorry Naruto... I'm sorry for hurting you...... " Sasuke was on the verge of tears as well.

" Why are you apologizing teme? It's not a big deal. Yeah you did hurt me, like a lot but now you're here. You're here with me now and that's enough. You're back now, aren't you? You're not going anywhere, right? "

" Dobe " he smiled as a few tears slipped out.

And they stood embracing each other on the middle of the street.

Slowly they pull away from the hug and look into each other's eyes. Immediately blushing, they create appropriate distance between them. But again, silence. Awkward silence.

" So do you think she actually meant it...? " Naruto tries breaking away the awkwardness, since she's the hyperactive one.

" About me hurting you...? "

" No teme! About.... " she blushes and fiddles " ...about us looking good as a... you know... "

Sasuke stared blank-faced at his teammate for a second, only to see a blushing mess of the blondie,and then smirked " Oh, maybe we do ~ " he wanted to see how Naruto would react " Why, do you want that to happen? I mean us getting together? ~ "

Naruto was beet red. Her mind had stopped working a long time ago and clearly she was at a loss of words right now. And Sasuke's teasing made it worst.
She began stuttering " Wh-wha... "

Watching Naruto all shy and struggling to form words only amused Sasuke. He was enjoying it, a lot. Knowing that Naruto's head wasn't working right now, he decided to drop another bomb. He inched closer, too close, her body touching his as he slipped his hand on her waist and pulled closer. Their nose almost touching, he bent forward.

Naruto had no idea what he was doing, but strangely she liked it. But when she saw him bending closer to her face, she thought he was going to kiss her. She stared at his slightly parted lips and her heart beat quickened even more. She was ready for a kiss. Well, she thought she was but was Sasuke really going to... Ah! She couldn't take any of that or do any more thinking. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited for... well, something.

But it never came. Instead, Sasuke brushed his lips against her ear and spoke in a husky voice " I'll tell you a secret Naru. If you want to get me on bed, you'll have to be a great kisser ~ "

Naruto was a little disappointed that the kiss never came. It was stupid of her anyways,  to think that Sasuke would want to actually kiss her. But his voice right inside her ears and his lips brushing against her earlobe was more than enough to put her in a daze. The atmosphere got hotter, the air became drunk and her mind went blank. The close proximity wasn't helping either. Maybe it was the aftereffect of turning into a girl or maybe they were the teenage hormones acting out loud, Naruto didn't know. Her heart throbbed and her mind pounded loud. Her face was all heated up, tinted crimson and electricity ran down her entire body.

It would have gone a lot farther if Sasuke hadn't pulled back. He was also blushing but mostly he was just amused by Naruto's reactions. He never would have extracted that kind of reaction from the male version of Naruto. But it seemed so easy to get the female Naruto flustered. Plus he was also glad that he wasn't the only one dealing with the problem of not knowing how to act around the other.

Naruto's face was so full of this strange emotion. Her lips parted and her breathing uneven, quicker actually. Eyes half closed. Was is the emotion of 'need' or was it just 'want',  he didn't know but her face looked so beautiful, even when it was all red and embarrassed. It was as if her eyes we're pulling him in, urging him to take one more step. But her reactions were hilariously funny which was really entertaining to Sasuke.

Sasuke wiped the corner of his eyes and spoke, so lovingly " God, look at you.. "

And then he smiled. A real smile, not some half-assed smirk. A real pretty smile, enough to make just about any girl to fall head over heels in love with him.

" Ok, no more jokes, let's go back. Well, actually you go ahead.. I'll deal with something and then return, kay? " Sasuke said. It wasn't actually a question, he actually had something to do. But before leaving, he reached out his hand to trace Naruto's cheek and spoke " Get home safe " Then leaning closer, he placed a kiss on the top of her head and disappeared.

Naruto just stayed there for a while. One of her hands reached the place where Sasuke's lips had touched and the other over her mouth as she fell to her knees. Her face still red and she could hear her heart beat loud. " Sa-sasuke... " she mumbled and immediately squeezed her eyes shut as the sensation of their bodies pressed together returned. 'Oh my god... '

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