Off to Suna!

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It was the start of a a new morning and the two shinobis woke up from their slumber quite fresh. Then, without wasting anymore time, they started their journey off to Suna. Since they wer a lot faster than any other ordinary shinobi, their estimated travel time was only a day and half instead of three whole days. So they were supposed to reach Suna by tonight.

Most of the journey was normal except for the few times when Naruto would throw a fit or tease Sasuke or when Sasuke would pass sarcastic comments to Naruto just to rile her up and get some interesting reactions.

It was around 8 in the evening when they finally saw themselves in front of the gates of Sunagurake.

" Yippe!! We're finally here! "

" Don't get all hyped up now dobe. "

" Oh come on Sasuke, cheer up. Are you still angry that I forced you to come here..? "

" You 'begged' me to come here. "

" I did not. "

" Did. "

" Gah... Never mind. Let's go. "

'I only agreed coz you wouldn't stop calling me 'brother'. I really don't want to be just a damn brother for you' Sasuke 'tched' and followed.

There were two shinobis on guard, right in front of the gates of Suna. One of them stood forth when he saw the two visiters.

He first looked at Sasuke and then at Naruto. He definitely didn't realize that the girl with Sasuke was actually Naruto. So he turned towards Sasuke and said " Well, I know who you are and you're allowed inside the border for visiting purposes but if I may ask, who is this young lady with you? "

The other spoke up as well "Yea, is she your girlfriend? "

Sasuke was about to deny and say that the girl is actually the war hero Naruto but Naruto spoke up first.

" Haha you got that right. I'm his girl. He had some business matters to discuss with the Kazekage, so I tagged along! " she replied with a cheeky smile.

'If they find out who I am, then the news of me being in town with Sasuke would spread and I probably won't be able to surprise Gaara... So I'll play it for now, not that I mind actually being his girlfriend....'

" Aww, you should pinch this exact line that you don't mind being his on Sasuke. And then you can enjoy the look he's going to have on his face, hahahaha " Kurama chimed in.

'Shut up Kurama ya fuzzball! '

" Ah, I see. So the icy cool hero finally got himself a girl? " the guards joked.

" Got that right! And she's damn awesome!! " Naruto joined in as well.

But what she didn't notice was Sasuke's reaction. He flinched at first when Naruto used the words 'I'm his girl'. His mind went immediately blank and had stopped functioning. And now they were talking about his love life which was fucking messy at the moment.

He was angry too. Naruto did whatever she wanted to and didn't care about anything else or maybe she was just as dense. But either way, he decided to stop their conversation and head in, meet the Kazekage and leave.

" Well, sorry to break away your happy conversation but I really need to see the Kazekage, so can I go in? " he asked.

" Yea yea sure, why not? "

" You're always welcome here! "

" Thanks. Then I'm gonna take my girl with me. " he said in a very sweet voice, which Naruto realised to be fake. Then he turned towards Naruto who felt a sudden chill, and said " Let's go honey. "

Sasuke was definitely faking the sweetness. He had that I-will-deal-with-you-later look. Naruto hesitated but replied back with an 'okay'.

And they entered the sand village.

Naruto had unconsciously wrapped her arms around Sasuke's left hand and was walking like that for quite sometime. Sasuke liked the feeling so he didn't say anything.

" So, why did you lie about you and me being...... " Sasuke started but he felt so awkward that the rest of the words died inside his mouth.

Naruto looked up at Sasuke's slightly blushing face. " About us being a couple? Oh, because I don't want the news of me being here spread and plus I want to surprise Gaara "

Sasuke hissed at the mention of his name and the blush was gone. " Tch "
'That racoon-eyed guy.... For some reason I don't feel like going anywhere near him....'

Observing Sasuke's mood turn sour at the mention of Gaara, Naruto thought of something. To her it didn't actually seem possible but she decided to just ask it away.

" Do you hate Gaara? "

" I don't. "

Naruto thought for a while and asked again.

" Then are you jealous? Of me talking about him and not you? "

Sasuke slightly flinched at that since apparently Naruto had figured it out but she was way too dense to know that it's not something you ask so directly.

" Me? And jealous? Impossible " he lied.

" So you are jealous? "

" Like I said, I'm not. "

" You don't have to worry though, I love you the most out of everyone! " she smiled bright " That's why I always chased after you. Plus you are my biggest rival!! "

Sasuke didn't know if Naruto was joking or actually meant it. But whatever, even he couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his face.

" Dobe. "

What was he afraid of? He was the one closest to Naruto and no one else. He even had her first kiss. Although it was definitely not romantic but still, he got the taste of Naruto's lips twice.

And while Sasuke got involved in his dreamy thoughts, he failed to notice a certain red-head making his way towards them. He was being followed by a blond and a guy with a cat-eared hoodie.

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