Kyubi's advice ~

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Naruto had stopped crying, finally. She didn't know what to think anymore. Guilt overtook her when she realised how she didn't want Sakura to be with Sasuke anymore.

She wiped her tears and got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Undressed, she stood in front of the mirror and a small smile tugged on her lips, even after all the crying.

Not just one, there were several love marks and hickeys on her shoulders, neck and collarbone. And they were from Sasuke. 'Guess you never got Sasuke to leave hickeys on you, eh Sakura..? That's one point for me I guess... "

" Seriously..? "

" What..? I'm not wrong... "

" Kit, how can you compare yourself against Sakura at a time like this..? "

" At a time like what, Kurama..? The situation is the same as it was yesterday. "

" It's definitely not the same. Sasuke tried to jump you this morning, even leaving a trail of hickeys on your neck and collarbone. But then you started crying. Now although you cried for an entire different reason, how exactly do you think he took the issue? I'm certain, he's in a bad condition himself. He's probably thinking that he's the reason you cried, since he forced himself on you.. "

" Wow Kurama. For a dumb fox, you sure know a lot about these stuff... "

" That isn't that issue here. And I'm definitely not dumb. So tell me what you are going to do now..? What of he wants to avoid you..? "

" I can't let that happen! I don't want him to avoid me, since this morning was partly my fault. I was the one who started the tease. "

" Good. I'd say that forget about becoming a boy again. Stay like this and get the Uchiha! "

" Th-that w-will look really direct... I can't say that to him.... "

" Then there's just one other thing that you can do, kit. Confess. "

" Kurama, come on! You know I can't. What if he refuses..? I'll be sad... "

" Do you honestly think he'll reject you after what he did this morning? He likes you more than a lot, you know. "

" But it could also have been a tease. Maybe he was teasing me, like always, but when he saw me cry, he felt that he went too far and so he ran away.... "

" For heaven's sake, kit... Okay, never mind, let's say you're right. So what do you plan to do..? "

" I don't know. I really like him. Actually, scratch that, I love him. I don't know what I'm saying now, but I can't get him out of my head. I want Sasuke to like me back. I want him to be with me... always. And that's why I'm asking for help, Kurama "

" If only you said all this to him, he would have made you his by now. But since you're unbelievable, I can't help it. Well, since it's already like this, you can try and get him to fall in love with you then "

" Get him to fall in love with me..? "

" Yes. Make him fall in love with you before you are expected to change back into a guy. "

" That sounds like a good idea... "

" It is. You are definitely comfortable in being a woman. Although he loves both versions of you, but if you're a girl, you can help him revive his Uchiha clan as well ~ "

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