Dealing with it..

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The next morning came early. But slight changes of Naruto's behavior kept making the highlights. It was Naruto who woke up first. She didn't sleep a wink last night as she was trying to get the thoughts of a certain raven-head out of her mind. She had never felt like this before. Not even when she was a boy. So the only explanation she had now was

" Must be because I'm a girl now. And like every other girl, back during the academy days, I guess I too am getting an obsession towards Sasuke. " Naruto mumbled under her breath as she headed off towards the kitchen. " That's it. It's just like how every girl was obsessed with Sasuke, maybe turning into a girl is bringing out my fangirl side. That's it! "

Sasuke was up by now and had just entered the kitchen. Unlike Naruto he had a damn good control over his composure. Last night he had jerked off to his best friend but he was really good at burying those rising emotions inside and act cool.

" Looks like someone's up early? " he smirked.

His sudden voice sent a strange feeling across Naruto's body, but she didn't fidget. She couldn't, or her best friend might hate her. Having that kind of a dream for Sasuke, she knew she was screwed. " It's not a big deal Sasuke-kun "

On hearing the 'kun' leave her mouth, Sasuke nearly choked. Naruto never called him that. " Naru.. " he began but immediately shut up. He didn't want to pry further. 'Naruto's change is getting worse, I'd say. She'd never call me so lovingly. She calls me a bastard. Maybe that's what I am. ' he thought.

" Um... so... what are you making..? "

" Isn't that obvious, teme? I'm making breakfast. Pancakes. "

Sasuke sweat-dropped. Naruto was actually making breakfast which is not ramen. She definitely was turning into a girl.

" Oooh, cool. Let me help " And with that, Sasuke walked towards her and stood just behind her, her back almost touching his toned chest. Yeah right, he wasn't wearing a shirt, since he had just gotten up.

He reached for the pan and some oil from over Naruto. The proximity was so close that it was kinda affecting Naruto. She immediately turned around to complain or to ask Sasuke to make some distance between them.

But she never got the chance for that. The moment she turned around, her nose brushed against Sasuke's chest, earning a low growl from Sasuke. " Oi dobe, what are you doing? " Naruto just kept staring at his bare chest. It was muscular, pale and well-toned. It looked so strong and it'd give you the protective vibe. Her lips were nearing in. He was there, he was so close. Just one kiss. It would be possible, wouldn't it. Just start off by kissing his chest then move up to his neck and then tiptoeing, reach his lips. His lips.... how would they taste like in real life...? All these thoughts were piling up inside Naruto's head as she didn't move from the position.

Sasuke's heart beat had gone slightly up by having Naruto this close but he was confused as to why was Naruto not moving. He called out a few times and that's when he realised that Naruto was spacing out, although her eyes contradicted a little, the way they lingered on Sasuke's body.

Sasuke didn't quite hate the position they were in, in fact he really liked it. Having Naruto so close was actually a joyous thing for him. But he also knew that this could also get risky. Like really risky.

So he grabbed Naruto's shoulders and shook her gently. " Oi, dobe, stop spacing out! "

Naruto immediately snapped out of her fantasies and looked up to reach Sasuke's eyes. They were pretty. A small blush rose to her cheeks as pushed him away immediately.

" S-sorry... I wasn't... " she began.

" It's okay, you should go sit down, I'll make the pancakes. " Sasuke sighed.

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