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" Well, here we are! Let's get you to bed. You look tired... " Sasuke kicks open the door to their apartment and heads over to Naruto's room.

He gently places her on the bed and sits beside her. Sighing, he runs his fingers through his raven-hair and looks at her

" So... I'll be goi...... " Sasuke opened his mouth to say that he was gonna go outside but Naruto cuts him off

" Stay...! "

Sasuke closed his mouth and stared. Naruto realized that she might've sounded a little weird so she speaks again " uh-uhh well...actually...forget it...I didn't... "

" Sure " Sasuke stated blankly, averting his gaze to the corner of the bed. " I can stay if you want." 

Naruto's face lighted up like a thousand stars as she quickly jumped to a side to make space for Sasuke. 

" Come on then. Lie down. " 

" Dobe. " Sasuke chuckled lightly as he climbed up and lay down beside her. 

It was a moment of peaceful silence as they lay side by side just staring at the ceiling. 

" Ne Sasuke.. do you remember the day when we fought...? "

" Hn "

" We were laying on our backs like this on that day as well. Only difference was we were looking up at the sky but today we're looking up at the ceiling. "

" Yeah " Sasuke chuckled lightly, closing his eyes for some time and remembering how Naruto had put everything on the line just to save a friend

That's right, a friend.

Just a....friend.

" There was another difference as well, a rather important one.. "

Naruto turned her head to look at Sasuke and questioned " Really..? But I don't remember any other thing that was different... "

" Idiot. How can you forget that you were a boy back then? And now you're a girl. That's pretty big of a difference if you ask me. "

And it's clicked Naruto, when she realised what Sasuke meant. Sure enough, 'she' was, then, a 'he'. Nonetheless, she spoke " But even so, you were still you and I was still me. It's always been that way Sasu. It's always you and me. And it doesn't change because of what gender I am. Hehe. Although, it's kinda hard in this feminine body but I'm still the Naruto you knew... "

Sasuke was a bit taken aback by Naruto's talk which was not meaningless. And the fact that Naruto had called him 'Sasu' instead of his full name, sent butterflies fluttering through his stomach. It was like being called by a nickname by the person he fell in lo.....

Realisation hit him before he even finished the thought. What in the hell was he supposed to do now? If it is what he thought it was, then he was screwed. Like totally. He looked over and observed Naruto's features. His heart beat rose abruptly and his cheeks tinted red, even his ears had a shade of pink greeting them. If he had any doubts before, they were all clear now.

And he knew it wasn't just because Naruto was a girl now. In fact, just like Naruto had said a moment ago, gender didn't change any of her. She was still the previous Naruto.

He was in deep shit. It didn't matter if Naruto was a girl or a guy. He knew what he felt and was even confirmed about his feelings. He wanted Naruto. He had longed for Naruto from way back. Ever since he saved him from the ice ninja in the land of waves. He never cared about the gender. In fact, the only person who was of any significance in his life was Naruto.

" Yeah. You're still the same idiot from way back. "

" Hey! I'm not an idiot! "

" Sure you aren't. ~ "

And they chatted for quite some time before Naruto inched closer to Sasuke and intertwined her legs around his. Then, she slowly closed her eyes, placing her head against Sasuke's chest so she could go to sleep hearing his calm heartbeat.

Sasuke gulped but gently wrapped his arms around her waist. Their bodies were pressed together in a rather comfortable position. Naruto smiled softly " G'night suke "

Sasuke smiled as well and kissed her head and replied back " G'night Naru "

Now, usually people would drift to sleep after wishing good night. But a sudden thought perked Naruto's interest and she looked up at Sasuke.

" Hey Sasu, you really like to kiss, don't you? "

Sasuke coughed lightly and looked at her, still holding her close.

" Really? And why are you suggesting that all of a sudden..? "

" When you found me, you literally covered my entire face with kisses "

Sasuke immediately blushed on hearing that. That was just a moment thing. He never thought Naruto would tease him about that. But he wasn't bad at teasing either.

" Oh, that's cause your face is really sweet, you know. Can't help wanting to taste it ~ "

Now it was Naruto who went red. She was smirking a second ago and now she was all embarrassed. " If I'm that sweet, why did you miss the best part... " Naruto muttered under her breath, referring to the fact that he kissed her everywhere except her lips.

Sasuke was, once again, surprised. He blushed red. How Naruto was able to say stuff like that without any worry, is something Sasuke would never understand. But he did understand what Naruto meant.

" Oh, you're angry because I didn't kiss you, right? ~ I am so sorry, Naruto. I didn't know you wanted to kiss me that bad ~ "

" W-w-who....wa-wanted to kiss you...... huh...? Stop dreaming....!! "

Sasuke giggled and leaned closer to Naruto's ear and licked the earlobe gently " Just so you know, I don't like kissing just anyone. Don't go thinking of me as an easygoing person, 'kay my dear Naru? ~ "

His touch sent shivers down Naruto's spine. She did want to kiss him. His words and his actions were like honey to Naruto. She was falling deeper and deeper for him. Her body heated up abruptly and her face flustered when she felt him lick her earlobe.

And then, he gently lifted her head upward and very very slightly brushed their lips together and kissed her on her cheek. Although the touch was extremely light, their lips did come in contact for a split second.

" Good night " he whispered, pulling her closer and gently resting her head on his chest.

To Naruto, it was the limit. She needed to breathe. Their lips had touched, so what if it was just a small contact. Did Sasuke do that on purpose or was it something that just happened since he intended to kiss her cheek? It couldn't have been on purpose, right?

Her breathing was unstable. Her heart wasn't ready to listen to her and her mind was a mess. She squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. It was only Sasuke's scent that reached her nose. So calm. So relaxing. Even if he intentionally brushed his lips against her, she felt amazing. Sasuke wasn't hers. But all these little moments seemed enough. He smelled nice. Too nice.

Her chain of thoughts continued as she slowly drifted off to sleep. She was tired after the long day after all.

Once Sasuke made sure she was asleep, he slowly sneaked out of the bed and headed straight towards the bathroom.

'So much for teasing you, Naru, when I'm the one who ends up getting affected like this.' he thought, slightly irked but face coloured crimson 'Shit! Naru, I almost lost my cool. Even brushing our lips like that... Shit! ' he traced his fingers over his lips.

His breathing hitched as he slowly unbuckled his pants ' Anyways, let's just deal with this. '

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