On the way (part 1)

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They had already started on their mission to reach the land of whirlpools. Well, the thing about this place was that it would take days to reach there. It was going to be a long journey.

The land of whirlpools was located a little further than Suna. And Naruto being Naruto decided that she wanted to visit the Suna siblings before they pass that village and head towards their original mission's destination.

" We haven't met them in so long. They weren't there on the day we got discharged either... " Naruto whined, clinging to Sasuke. They had just walked a mile from the outskirts of Konoha and Naruto was already 'irritating' Sasuke with her baby actions.

" You're a girl now. They won't recognize you and even if they do, do you really want them to see you like this? " Sasuke asked as if that's exactly what he wanted to ask. But on the inside, he had another insecurity. 'Go to Suna? Hah! As if! There's that guy over there. The sand jinjuriki, Gaara. What if he falls for Naruto as well. He already holds Naruto in a very high regard. And I really don't want a love rival at the moment since my own ship isn't sailing that well. No way in hell, I'd take a risk like that. I won't let you see him...! ' 

" Oh come on Sasuke. Gaara's awesome! He's not going to make fun of me even if I'm a girl. Let's go, pretty please "

" No "

" Please Sasuke we are best friends "

" No " 'Ouch...best friends....that hurts..... '

" Sasuke we were best buddies. You're my brother, aren't you. So please... " Naruto continued whining

" N-no " 'Best friends was still ok but.... Brother...? '  

" Pleeeease, onii-chan ~ " Naruto was now literally hugging Sasuke and looking at him with puppy eyes.

"  "

Puppy-eyed look continued

Sasuke was looking at her as well. His heart was about to explode at the cuteness, the 'onii-chan' hit him hard with the cupid's arrow.

" Onii-chan.....? "

Sasuke had no choice. He sighed and replied " Okay... but.. " he bent down and quickly placed a kiss on the corner of her lips and smirked " Not onii-chan, Naru ~ "

Naruto's face flushed and she hugged him tight, burying her head on his chest. Her tan ears were holding a cute shade of red as well.

" N-not f-fair... Sasu. You can't just surprise  someone like that.... " Naruto stumbled upon her words 'He missed my lips again... '

Sasuke just smiled and rubbed her back soothingly. Naruto relaxed in his embrace. Slowly, Sasuke's hands began lingering. Naruto felt a shiver run down her spine when Sasuke's hands were moving down. From her back to her waist and slowly to her hips.

Sasuke's breathing had gone unsteady as he realized what he was doing. He was taking another dangerous step and Naruto wasn't moving at all. She was still hugging him tight. He gave her hips a little squeeze but this did earn him a reaction from Naruto, allowing him to gain control over his own actions.

Naruto's head jolted backwards as she gasped and looked up at him " Sasuke... "

But before she could say anything further, Sasuke cut her off and added " Sorry, was just checking something ~ " with a small smirk on his face, he continued " You've definitely grown in certain areas ever since you became a girl, haven't you? ~ "

" I-I-I..." Naruto didn't have words. Did Sasuke want to....? No that couldn't be possible and besides he was so calm..

" Anyway, let's keep moving now. We've been standing in the middle of the road for long now.. "

" Y-Yeah...let's go..."

'Close call...really close...damn it Uchiha, keep your hands in control...! ' Sasuke thought ' but, either way, she's so soft (/////) I really want to just...no no don't think like that! No bad thoughts...! '

'Why did he make up a lie....Aaah! It's so confusing...there's just no expression on his face... he clearly...he clearly wanted to touch me but how is he so calm...?'  Naruto thought, face still flushed. 

And the two slowly started walking towards the said place, Sunagakure, the village hidden in the sand. Since they had already decided that this was going to be a long journey, they weren't in any hurry. They would also take a break from their routines by doing some sightseeing around the villages. This mission was basically a type of holiday for the two of them, for all their hard work.

But in their case, maybe it was a long date ~ 

In Konoha, Ichiraku's -

Sakura was sitting at a corner, staring at a small bowl of pork ramen with her tear-stained eyes.

Hinata and Ino were just outside the tent, peeping inside occasionally.

" So what do you think, what happened to Sakura-chan..? Why is she crying..? " Hinata asked, with clear concern visible in her eyes.

" I don't know but considering the things that can get her this worked up, I'm guessing it's something to do with Sasuke-kun. " Ino replied, frowning. She didn't like this side of Sakura at all.

" Sasuke..? " Hinata wondered what might have happened " Is it by any chance related to the super secret mission Sasuke-san  had left for with Naruto..? "

" Yeah I heard about that. Those two guys left today. But probably that's not it. " Ino crossed her arms and started thinking. " Ha, I know, she probably confessed to Sasuke-kun and got rejected.. hahaha, now that'd be funny "

" Ino.. " Hinata wanted her to lower her voice, since it was getting louder and she was afraid that Sakura might hear her. But before she could say anything, it was Sakura who spoke in her hoarse voice

" I can hear you, you know "

Ino sighed and entered the tent, pulling Hinata along with her. They grabbed the seat next to her and ordered miso each.

" So, what exactly happened..? " Ino asked, not directly looking at Sakura

After a short silence, Sakura finally replied " I lost.... "

Ino immediately looked at her. She was almost confirmed that she was rejected by Sasuke but that wasn't the case, she was upset about a loss..? " You lost..? Oh so it wasn't a love confession? I see, you lost in what..? Against whom..? "

Hinata was also curious. She for one definitely knew how strong Sakura was and for her to lose to someone

" Naruto... he beat me... and the worst part... " Sakura looked up at the two of them, tears slipping down her cheeks " ... he wasn't even competing... "

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