It's okay now

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Naruto got up and dusted her clothes. Then looking out of the window, she realized that the sun was already about to set.

'It's been this long..? No wonder I'm so hungry. I haven't even had breakfast.. '

She walked over the window to look outside when a figure suddenly appeared in front of the sill. Not noticing who it was, she took a step back and looked at the person. And sure enough, it was him.

Sasuke was panting hard as he finally saw Naruto's form. He'd found her. She was here. He was almost out of breath from running around all day, yet without wasting a single second, he broke through the window pane and jumped inside.

Naruto was a bit surprised that Sasuke was here, even feeling a little guilty for running away like that. But before she knew it, she felt warm arms around her. Sasuke had pulled her into a tight hug.

" Sasuke...? "

Sasuke, not uttering a single word, pulled her even closer as he breathed hard, trying to calm his breathing. His one hand rested on her waist and the other on her neck.

Naruto stood still, taking in his warmth. She slowly lifted her slender arms and wrapped them around her best friend.

" Thank goodness.... "

" Sa-Sasuke... you.. "

" Where were you!? Why didn't you contact anyone before disappearing..? " Sasuke pulled back and held her shoulders and started questioning.

" Uh... Well.. "

" I was worried! You Dobe!! "

And saying that he kisses her forehead,rather forcefully and then kisses both her cheeks as if she was the most precious person to him and was gonna go away forever. Then, he pulls her into another hug, not wanting to let go of her anytime soon.

A burning sensation was left on every spot that Sasuke's lips touched and Naruto's heartbeat quickened. 'He forgot about my lips' She felt a little relieved but when she saw the genuine concerned expression Sasuke was carrying, Naruto filled up with guilt. She didn't like seeing Sasuke look so worried. She realised that it was because of her and that made her heart hurt. She sniffled and said

" I'm sorry... I really am... " Naruto's grip on him tightened. " I just thought you'll hate me for calling you handsome like any other fangirl....and so.. so I thought.... " Naruto started explaining.

Listening to her desperate self-explanations, Sasuke pulled back from the hug and looked at her and chuckled. Then he cupped her cheeks and wiped the corner of her eyes, which were on the verge of tears.

" Idiot. " He started removing the hair falling on Naruto's face " I know that I'm handsome. And you're the cutest girl that Konoha's ever had. So what, huh? You're gonna run away from your best friend, are you crazy or what..? "

" I just want us to go back to what it was. You know, like how it wasn't so awkward... but I keep thinking about all these weird stuff about how to act around you so you won't hate me and all... I never had to think about my behavior in front of you but now it's different... I just.. "

Sasuke felt a little sad that Naruto wanted them to remain best friends, but after all the hurt he had caused her, she deserved her wish to persist at least. So he cut her off by pressing his index finger over her lips and spoke " I will never hate you. Even if you insult me or throw my life away, I'll never hate you. So you don't have to think about any of that. " 'I can never hate you, Naruto. Never. In fact, I think I'm...... ' 

" Really... So you're not angry....? "

" Dobe. Why would I be angry? And besides, it's not permanent anyway. I got info on the shinobi who did this. So we can definitely fix all of it. Now let's go home, okay? No more talks. We'll leave for the mission tomorrow. "

And without saying anything else, Sasuke bent forward, sitting on one of his knees " Get on "

" Huh..? "

" You haven't eaten anything since morning, don't waste anymore energy. Hop on and I'll take you home. "

Naruto thought for a second and was about to refuse, since she didn't want to trouble Sasuke anymore. But a voice suggested otherwise
It was the kyubi.

" Get on. Look at his back muscles, so amazing, you'll like it. And it's him who's offering, your future husband. Don't reject him. ~ "

The words 'future husband' struck Naruto hard and a shade of deep red flushed to her face.

'W-w-w-what are you saying.... it's not like that.... '

" Stop lying. You like him way too much. Just admit it and get on. And by the looks of it, he likes you just as much. "

'S-stop... Just stop. Don't make things up. There's no way, he'd see me like that... And I admit that I like him a bit but that's just it...'

" Keep saying that to yourself. 'I like him just a bit' "

'Ahh... besides... You heard him! It's not permanent! These feelings will go away when I'm back to normal.'

" And what will you do if they don't..? "

'They least, i think they will.'

Naruto was busy talking to the kyubi and Sasuke was still waiting for her to get on his back. But on noticing that Naruto was spacing out again, he sighed and got up. Then he walked over towards her and slowly lifted her up in his arms.

Naruto was immediately brought back to reality. She flushed red and looked at Sasuke " Wha.... "

" You're taking too much time. Don't worry if you don't want a piggyback, I'll carry you like a bride, Naru-chan ~ " Sasuke smirked lightly and jumped out of the apartment's window.

Naruto's heart was about to jump out of her ribcage. That last line had gotten to her. 'like a bride.... ' Kyubi smirked inside her head. She was a deep shade of red and she didn't want Sasuke to see that and tease her, so she buried her head on his chest, giving occasional glances at Sasuke's handsome face.

Sasuke gulped when he felt Naruto press her head on his chest. Yet, maintaining his composure he continued jumping over the roofs to reach the Ichiraku's. He could feel Naruto's slight glances, which he found really cute. He smirked and winked at her, causing her to abruptly hide her face against Sasuke.

He laughed at her reaction and landed in front of the Ichiraku's. Naruto felt a little disappointed when he put her down. She didn't want to part from Sasuke, not even a bit. So unconsciously, she took Sasuke's hand and interlocked their fingers and headed in, pulling Sasuke with her.

It was Sasuke's turn to blush. He mentality face-palmed himself 'It's not a big deal. It's totally normal for us to hold hands. It's  totally fine. And she doesn't even like me, it's just temporary anyway.. '
As soon as he thought of her being a girl and having romantic feelings for him 'temporarily' crossed his mind, he felt a sharp pain spreading through his chest.

They ordered the same, two bowls of miso ramen. Naruto had immediately digged in her food but Sasuke didn't even start. He was just looking at his blonde teammate, who was busy eating her ramen. A small smile tugged on his lips as he watched her eat. It felt peaceful.

He then noticed, a lock of her golden hair fall on her face. And without even realising he immediately reached for her face and removed the lock of her hair. Naruto felt this gesture and blushed, sparing Sasuke a glance.

Their eyes met. Sasuke smiled lightly and caressed her cheek, then he slowly retraced his hand.

Naruto felt her cheek burn up at the sudden contact and looked away immediately.

" Stop staring at me teme. "

" Hn "

Sasuke finally looked at his bowl, deciding to finally eat a meal. But his mind wandered off again.

'Shit! What on earth am I supposed to do now? After Naruto's changes back, what on earth will I do with these feelings? I promised her that I'll do anything for her but... ' he gulped '... but, do I even want her to change back..? '

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