Losing control..

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Naruto woke up only to be greeted by the peaceful sleeping face of Sasuke Uchiha. It seemed to her that she was the first one to wake up. She yawned as she tried getting up. But apparently that seemed impossible since she was locked in Sasuke's embrace.

She tried to wiggle out of his aarms without waking him up ut in vain. Unable to get out of bed, the first thought that filled her head was about what happened last night. When she intended to tease Sasuke but the tables turned upon her instead.

A slight blush took over Naruto's facade when she also remembered the light kisses that Sasuke placed on her. Her stomach flipped as she kept staring at his sleeping face.

She reached out her hand and slowly traced his cheek. The distance between their current position was not too much. Sasuke hd his arms wrapped around her after all. She decided to move closer.

Kyubi smirked " Claim his lips now kit. It's a good opportunity. He's asleep. ~ "

His subconsciousness yelled " Do it! Kiss him! "

But her consciousness prevailed 'Don't cross the line.... '

She gently placed a kiss on the tip of his nose. Sasuke shifted lightly. His cheeks turned red and he squeezed his eyes. But wait, wasn't he asleep..?

" Sa-Sasuke....? Are you awake..? "

No response.

A smirk dashed it's way to Naruto's lips when she whispered " Man, for a second I really thought you were awake... but since you're not... hehe "

Then she inched closer, again, and kissed the corner of his lips. Then she started leaving a trail of kisses on his chin and his jawbone, as if daring him to claim her lips.

" You sure you aren't awake..? " Naruto questioned in a very sweet voice when she saw, Sasuke's blush deepen, his breathing getting uneven and the arms around her tremble ever so lightly. " Then I guess I'll have to wake you up Sasu-chan ~ You see, if you don't wake up, I won't be able to either so please understand ~ "

Saying that, she laid several kisses on his neck and moved down to his Adams apple. She started nibbling on his skin in a teasing way. But since Sasuke wasn't giving up, she felt herself losing control. 'Come on Sasuke, get up. How far do you want me to go..? Just wake up! ' she thought. But she didn't stop her kisses. It would be like admitting defeat, in God knows what.

Sasuke felt really hot now. He was certain the heat was maximum at a certain region of his body and he definitely did not want Naruto to feel his growing bulge. His face was a deep shade of crimson and his lips were pressed in a thin line to avoid letting out his voice at all. Even his hands were at their limits as well. They squeezed on Naruto's hips as she let out a soft moan. And because of the sudden advancement, she unintentionally nibbled on the most sensitive skin on Sasuke's neck.

And that was the cue. Letting out a groan, Sasuke opened his eyes abruptly and quickly shifted their positions. He flipped Naruto over so that he was on top of her now. She squirmed under him, her face flushing. He had grabbed both her hands and locked them above her head as one of her knees found its way between Naruto's thighs.

" S-so y-you really were awake ~ "

" My dear Naru-chan ~ " Sasuke spoke in between his uneven breaths " Do you even realise the situation you are in right now? ~ "

" Wh-what d-do you mean Sasuke...? I was just trying to.... " Naruto knew exactly well what kind of a situation she was in right now. She really shouldn't mess with the Uchihas.

Sasuke smirked and leaned closer to her. " It's my turn now ~ " He whispered, pulling down the zipper of her orange jumpsuit that she wore to sleep last night and started nibbling on her ear. Then he moved to her neck and started sucking on different spots, moving down to her collarbone. He laid a string of kisses and licks wherever his mouth found a spot.

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