Confession finally made!

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" Sa-Sasuke..... "

Naruto's voice was barely audible. Her face was a blushing mess with her hair gone even messier. Her lips were parted and slightly swollen from all the kissing and all. 'Kiss me please' was clearly written on those rosy lips. And her eyes made it obvious that she was enjoying it a lot more than she should.

Sasuke was enjoying it too. He was in love with his best friend and he sure as hell wouldn't mind screwing her bad. But he kinda felt like he needed to get the upper hand in situations like this. And since Naruto's face was giving away the fact that she was completely turned on, he felt confidence filling him up. She was enjoying his touch and that made everything perfect.

" God... just look at you.... " Sasuke spoke in a very low whisper.

Naruto was looking sexier than ever and she was the epitome of cuteness. For Sasuke, she was everything.

" Who would've thought, you'd get so aroused from kissing someone who you've considered a brother forever ~ "

" I love you! " Naruto unintentionally exclaims.

At that point of time, Sasuke felt like he was hit with the Cupid's arrow. He already knew that she was attracted to him but he didn't know that she loved him.

" Naru... "

Suddenly realisation hits Naruto that she had said it out loud. She immediately looked up to see Sasuke's face.

Now Sasuke was really good at hiding his emotions. So just to watch Naruto flustered, he decided to play it cool. On the inside he was about to die. The person he loves more than himself, loves him back and they had just kissed. Honestly, at this point, Sasuke wouldn't mind even if he dies. But on the outside, he maintained a calm expression with just a blush surfacing on his cheeks.

Naruto internally panicked. How was Sasuke so relaxed? Did he mean nothing when he kissed her like that?

' oh no, did I mess it up? No no, before anything bad happens, I'll just tell him everything and if he rejects me, I'll deal with it then.... ' Naruto thought.

" I..... " Sasuke was about to say something but Naruto interrupted loudly.

" Yes it's true! Ok? I am in love with you! I love you so much that I don't want anyone to ever get close to you. I get jealous when I see other people around you. I don't want anyone else to have an intimate relationship with you. I want to be the only one who makes you smile! I want to be the only one to do all the lovey-dovey stuff with you. And.... " Several tears were already trimming down her face as she continued " And... I just want you to be mine Sasuke!! Only mine! "

Naruto paused to take a few deep breaths and lowered her head " I'm awful, right? Thinking that way about my best friend.... my brother.... I really hate myself for that but I just can't help it.... " she raised her head to look at Sasuke " I love you! I love you Sasuke, I love....... "

The next thing she felt was a pair of soft lips over her own. Sasuke had pulled her into another kiss. Not a passionate and sexy one, a sweet and warm kiss. The final drop of tear leaks out of her eyes as she closes them and returns the soft kiss.

Sasuke pulls back and cups the side of her face with one hand and wiping her tears with the other. He himself had a beet red blush on his face and his heart was going out of control. A soft smile was grazing his lips.

'Play cool? Fuck that! I don't want to have the upper hand. I don't care about it as long as it's Naruto! After all.... ' 

" I love you too Naruto. "

Naruto's eyes widen at that. What was he saying? She looks into his eyes to find every source of deception when he continued

" I love you more than anyone else. As for other people, I don't give a damn about them! I only went back to the village because of you. And I get jealous too when you talk happily with other guys. That's why I was afraid of coming to Suna. I thought you might fall in love with Gaara. I don't want you to be with anyone else either. And lovey-dovey stuff? Do you even have any idea for how long I've wanted to touch you? To kiss you? To hold you in my arms? For so fucking long. And I too.... want you all to myself! "

Sasuke definitely was going thought a roller coaster of emotions at the moment. He was both serious about his confession and also embarrassed that he, the great Uchiha, was saying stuff like that out loud. He stopped to take a deep breath and then spoke again.

" What I'm saying is, I love you too! And I don't give a fuck about what others might say or if it's wrong or not! "

And another kiss made it's way in.

Love you Forever [Sasuke x Naruto]Where stories live. Discover now