Picking clothes with Sakura...?

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Sakura was freaking out. It was pretty normal actually. Well, how else is a girl supposed to react when the love of her life brings her the news that her best friend who was a male until recently, has turned into a female and now is in need of some female stuff?

" But I don't understand, why can't he just turn back? " she asked frantically.

" He tried but he can't get back to normal " Sasuke replies before Naruto can answer. " Can you just lend her some.... "

" Yeah of course " Sakura cuts him off and grabs Naruto's arm " I'll make sure she's dressed well. You can wait here Sasuke-kun "

And so she heads inside pulling Naruto along with her while Sasuke makes himself comfortable on the couch.

After a while ~

" No Sakura-chan! Don't! "
Sasuke would almost have fallen asleep if the loud whine of Naruto hadn't reached his ears. Wearing only shorts, that reached just below her hips, Naruto ran outside with a towel wrapped around her upper body, wearing nothing inside. Sasuke turned around to look what happened. But before anything else, Naruto jumped onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist, arms around his neck and head buried in his chest. She held on tightly and said with a slight whimper " Save me teme. Sakura's harassing me.... " She had a teary look and she didn't seem to care if she was wearing anything or not.

Sasuke's POV ~

'It's almost 15 minutes since they went in. How long is it going to take? I'm feeling sleepy. ' I thought, yawning.

" No Sakura-chan! Don't! " I hear Naruto whining again. 'Wonder what those two are doing. '

I hear the door on my right open and so I turn to look what had happened. But before I could say or think anything else, I feel a weight latching onto my body. I was still on the couch but I feel slender arms and legs wrapping around me tightly. It was Naruto. 'What is she doing now? ' I thought. And then she buried her head on my chest and pressed on me. Immediately, after realising our positions, and her small figure pressed onto me, I felt myself heating up. My cheeks had already turned red. Even my ears were tinted pink. I gulped hard as I felt the heat travelling to certain other parts of my body.

'He's my best friend! Stay calm. Just calm down, calm down, please just calm down' My mind kept repeating. I decided to say something when I heard her whimper when she said " Save me teme. Sakura's harassing me... "

She was all teary eyed and I didn't know if she was joking or not. I mean Sakura wouldn't actually harass her, would she? I was thinking, trying to apprehend something out of her words when I realized something else...... Naruto was... naked. She was not wearing anything underneath a loose towel that wrapped around her body. She was wearing shorts but they were too small and her almost-bare breasts were pressed against me.

My mind went all fuzzy. I didn't know what to think. I went all stiff and my pants tightened. I desperately hoped that she wouldn't notice the growing bulge in my pants as I dropped my head on her right shoulder.

" Na-naruto... why do you keep doing stuff like this....? " I spoke, my voice barely audible. My throat was completely dry.

She slightly turned her head to her right, her lips gently brushed against my ear and it took every last remaining strength I had left in me to control my voice and emotions. I stayed quiet and bit my cheek  tight. I knew she was about to ask what I meant when I heard another yell.

" Naruto- BAKA! " It was Sakura. " How could you just throw everything around like that. And what did you call me? A harasser..!? I'm definitely not harassing you. You have to wear a bra before wearing any other clothes! It's not harassment! And stop seeking shelter from Sasuke-kun. You still need to wear it! "

Naruto quickly turned to face her and argued, glossy eyed " But it's so tight! It hurts my chest! I won't wear it! "

" You have to! You don't have a choice. I'm sorry if my size doesn't suit you but this is the only size I got. It's just a little small anyway and besides you are going shopping, so you can buy new ones then! "

On hearing that, Naruto quickly changed positions. She was still on my lap but her legs weren't around me. She was sitting on my thighs and was facing Sakura now. I was kinda relieved that she switched positions but that's when she yelled again " A little small!!? "

I shut my eyes tight, trying desperately to send away the deep blush that rose to my cheeks and to calm down my member that throbbed inside my pants, when she cupped her boobs from over the towel and continued " Look at them Sakura! They're really big! Yours are not just 'a little small' , they're way too small for me! "

That definitely got Sakura mad. I still had my eyes closed when I heard Sakura yell back. " Na. Ru. To.! BAKA!! HOW DARE YOU!! " she seemed really angry. Naruto knew better not to mess with Sakura. She visibly flinched and pulled me into a save-me hug.

" I'm sorry Sakura-chan.... please don't hurt me... Um... if you do, your Sasuke-kun would be really mad at you, ya'know... " then turning towards me, her face dangerously close to mine " Right Sasuke-kun...? "

Then I decided, it was enough. I had no damn idea what it was but I was running out of breath. It felt so hot. It felt uncomfortable. Her face, it was different. It looked soft and her.....her lips...did I just want to...no! I did not! I quickly made a clone and disappeared from the sight. I ran out of the house and made my way to our apartment.

I didn't stop anywhere in between. The bulge in my pants was clearly standing out. My heart beat was faster than it had ever been and my head pounded aimlessly.

I reached home as quick as I could and ran into the bathroom and turned on the cold shower.

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