Chapter 3

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"He teached the Unforgivable Curses in a class, blimey, I think I'm going to like him then!" Matthew said in amusement as we were lunching together.

"On the contrary, I think you're going to have a lot of problems if you reach the classroom with that attitude." I said smirking at him, chewing my food.

"Feeling funny today, Miss Blackwell." He said sarcastically raising an eyebrown at me, and then looking down at his plate cutting his food.

"I'm always funny." I said firmly, but with a hint of amusement in my tone.

Suddenly my gaze stopped at the blonde boy entering the Great Hall, along with his friends, like usual, but he didn't looked at me.

He sat in his usual place, Crabbe and Goyle by his side, Pansy in front of him.

His features were a bit different from yesterday night, he seemed more relaxed watching the stars than being here accompanied with his friends, which makes me wonder, if he's used to already go there every night, or if it's just some type of odd coincidence...

"Matt, have you ever talked with Draco Malfoy?" I asked to the boy sat in front of me, but not taking my eyes off Draco.

"I mean, not that much, but, to be honest it's not something that I'm interested to do either...he's a jerk from what I heard." He answered softly, and then I felt his gaze turn to me. "Why are you asking that?" He caught my attention, and I drove my gaze off the blonde boy, to look at the boy sat in front of me, smirking.

"For...nothing, I was just wondering. People say his evil and, I guess I just think that-" Matthew cut me off, and completed my sentence with his own words.

"...You think that Malfoy may have a good side, is that it?" He crossed his arms in front of his chest, wetting his lips with his tongue, before speaking. "...Lara, you know how you are, but trust me, there's nothing on Malfoy besides a heart made of ice and darkness." He was going to keep speaking but I spoke on top of him.

"But Matthew, don't you think people may have judging him by his father mistakes, or maybe nobody had the guts to ask him why is he like that, or maybe he's just misunderstood, or even maybe, he's like that because people assumed already how he is, before even had any interaction with him!-" He cut me off, placing his hands on top of mine, and when I looked to my side I saw a few pairs of eyes, staring at me, trying to figure out of who was I talking about, and I soon realized I was talking too loud.

"Lara, I'm only saying this, because I don't want you to be hurted, specially by a person like Malfoy, they don't care about other's people feelings, their incapable to feel compassion by others rather than themselves." He said, grabbing, gently, both my hands tightly, locking his gaze with mine. "Please promise you will forget about this." He asked softly, almost like a beg.

"Matt, you know I can't promise that..." I said vaguely, in a apologetic tone.

"Yeah I know that...but at least promise me that you'll tell me if he does something to you okay?" He asked softly, his blue eyes looked with mine.

"Yeah, that I can promise." I said softly, nodding my head, and gave him a thin smile which he returned back, and then we returned to eat our food.

"You're too kind Lara, you like to see the good in people where does not exist, but people disappoint, people lie, people are born evil." He said while cutting his food with his knife, and then putting it in his mouth and chewing it.

"My dad has always told me that evil isn't born, it's made." I said softly, also putting a small piece of food in my mouth, chewing it.

"Either ways, you'll soon see that Malfoy, is a person that can't be fixed." He said softly, taking his curly hair from covering his eyes with his hand.

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