Chapter 22

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My head is still thinking of Draco's words, of his warm touch, and how my body reacted to it, perhaps in a way that it shouldn't, but somehow, it did.

I care about you Blackwell.

This sentence, this was probably the thing he said that had the most effect in me, replaying each word in my head clearly, a warm feeling among them, this sentence had already found a accommodation in my mind, and is now stick there, as is the thing I can't stop thinking about.

I've been replaying the moments of the last night, repeatedly in my mind, having it already memorized.

His warm and big arms, wrapped around my cold and small body, wiping the tears leaving my red and sore eyes, making me feel protected, making me feel like he was the only place where I can find light among the pain.

His breathing, hitting against my head as I cried out, his hand caressing my hair, trying to calm me down, his heart beating fastly, probably because of the sudden move of me starting to sobbing...

It's true he made a mistake in the train, but he showed his regret, and I have forgiven him, wise people may tell me I shouldn't, but there's something in him, something that made me tense under his touch, the somehow, told me to give him another chance.

I woke up after Charlotte did, she helped me last time, trying to erase a bit the pain of my hand, even though she knew from where I came, she didn't argue nor said anything about that either.

I didn't told her about last night with Draco, she didn't really need to know, and I don't really know how would she react to it.

At this moment, my mind was in Matthew, I haven't see him since I had arrived, I was hoping he would appear today at dinner, I had so much things to say to him...

But he didn't came.

I sat there, alone, Charlotte usuallys eats earlier and goes to the library, because she thinks I'm with Matthew, but I'm not, I'm alone, with nobody to talk or look at.

I hated being lonely, specially when I need company the most, which was now, but even if he came, if he only changed his attitude towards me, just because of pity, due to my mother, than I'd rather being alone, instead of being with a friend only for pity...


"Did you wrote to Andrei in summer?" I asked Charlotte softly, as we both were studying, peacefully, in the library.

"Yeah, I actually did, many times." She replied with a gentle smile.

"What does he say?" I asked, but never leaving my eyes off the page I was reading.

"He says he misses me, a lot of times, and can't wait to see me again." I saw her cheeks get a shade of pink from the corner of my eye.

"Did your mother wrote you anything?" Charlotte asked softly, driving her gaze off the book she was reading to me.

"Not yet." I said calmly, I tried to make a smile but failed.

She nodded slightly, giving me a apologetic smile, and then looked above her head, probably to look at the clock, hanged above our heads.

"It's getting late..." She said vaguely. "You should go." She said, and I lifted my head of the book to gin her with an amusement smile on her lips.

She didn't looked upset of me going to talk with Draco, quite the opposite really, which made me wonder if I was dreaming all of this.

I furrowed my eyebrowns in confusion at her, but her only response was to wink her eye at me, and I left the library.

I made my way to the Astronomy Tower, as usual, and I found him already sat there, waiting for me to arrive.

He imediatly looked over his shoulder when he felt my presence of stepping forward to him.

"Hey, how's your hand?" He asked when I sat down, and gently grabbed my hand to his palm, examinating the letters still visible on it.

"She's going to regret this, as soon as I tell my father." He said firmly while staring at my left hand.

"Draco it's useless, really, she's from the Ministry, I don't think you can do anything against her." I said softly, staring at him.

"And we let her get away with this?!" He asked abruptly, locking his gaze with mine, a powerful gaze, it was hazardous to stare but too also to tempting to be stared at.

"What can you really do, Draco?" I asked softly. "Just forget it, my hand will be fine."

"No, you may forget it, but I won't, she better not even think of hurting you again." He said firmly, his eyes threatening as he spoke his words, he meant all of them...

I said nothing, I just stared at his dazzling, grey eyes, angelic but dangerous, a deep fire contained inside them.

After a matter of seconds he drove his gaze back to the sky, while his thumb, gently caressed the back of my hand, I don't even know if he was conscious that he was doing that, but I didn't wanted him to stop either ways.

"How's things with your friends?" He asked after a few seconds.

"They're good." I said, not looking at him, perfectly aware of my lie.

"Don't lie to me." He said firmly. "I saw you having dinner alone."

"Charlotte and I are good, but Matthew, it's complicated." I managed to say, feeling bad for lying to him.

"That's because he's a coward, never liked him anyways." He said coldly.

"Well, but he's still my friend, he was the first person who I talked to in first year." I said softly.

He nodded slowly, and we went back to watch the astonishing stars, shining at their very best along the dark, endless sky, and he's skin touching mine like thin glass that would broke at a bit much of strength in it.

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