Chapter 14

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It's intriguing how during my whole life, my friends have always supported me, had always been by my side, seeing me make both mistakes and good choices, but never left me alone, not even once, until now.

I knew Charlotte wouldn't be easy to speak with, but I had to try, they're good friends, they're just worried with me but I need to let them know there's no reason to do such thing.

I woke up exactly the same hour as she did, she would hear me wether she like it or not, I have the right to explain myself.

Talking with her now would be like talking to a thin ice wall, almost like useless, but I needed my bestfriend back, I needed to break that ice that between us layed still.

"Charlotte..." I said softly as she stood up like usually, moving forward to her dresser.

"What do you want, Lara." She asked firmly, her words hitting me like a torn train, clearly spelled as she spoke, almost like I could see the ice around her.

"I want you to let me explain." I said softly, hoping for her to turn her face at me, as I felt awkward speaking to her back, more like talking alone instead of her.

"Explain?" She repeated my words like if they were pronounced incorrectly, slowly turning her back at me, as I was able to see her anger cover her beautiful brown eyes. "You wanna explain how you lied shamelessly to my face, to your bestfriend, played me for a fool, always disappearing at night making me think you were safe and it happens that you were speaking with Malfoy, like you promise you wouldn't." She spoke loud and clear, letting every word sink in me, her lips in a firm line, letting me without any further arguments because I knew she was right.

"Okay, Charlotte you're right, I should've told you, but you have to understand, it was never my intention to lie to you, but I couldn't promise you that...I'm sorry." I said, stepping cloaer to her bed, where she was standing.

"If you truly sorry, you would have stopped talking with him as soon as I found out, but you didn't, you still speak with him every night." She said firmly, calming her tone, making it colder, talking like if we were strangers.

"Charlotte don't understand, he's different around me, you and Matthew can't control my choices!" I said firmly, locking my gaze with hers.

"You're right we can't...but you choose to lie, just because of a person like Malfoy-" I cut her off, as I reached my limit.

"Oh my god, I'm tired of all of you people keep blaming on him!" I shouted angrily, pacing now around the room. "You wanna know what, while you and Matthew left me alone, he didn't." I said calming my tone as I was losing my temper and had to calm down.

"Yeah whatever Lara, but when you see that Malfoy is only tricking you, and you hit hard on the floor, with your feet on the ground...don't expect me to have pity of you." She said firmly.

"I don't need your pity...I only need my bestfriend back." I said stopping my tracks in front of her, facing her again.

"You want your bestfriend back, then stop talking with him!" She shouted, keeping her face in a firm line, and I could see the anger she was holding.

"I can't!" I yelled as I scared her at such move, she looked at me with a different type of eyes, a odd and unknown look, like if she didn't recognized me, as I didn't recognized hee either. "Charlotte please don't leave me alone." I said softly after some breaths to calm my tone.

"I may be back to talk with you, but don't expect me to forgive you..." She said coldly, almost as cold as Draco used to be. "...I just feel too guilty to leave you alone, and that's it." She pointed clearly, and turned her back at me, opening her dresser.

Me and Charlotte walked together during the day, barely switch a word between us, as the deep silence instaled itself between us, immensely cold in my body as such silence existed and remained untouched my our mouths or body, being impenetrable.

Matthew still had dinner with me even thought I avoided him at me best effort, I was still mad, he knew that, he knew the big void he had brought, like a storm without the sound of the thunders, a fight without any words needed to be said.

But I wouldn't be the one apologizing, I regret nothing, and he, it's the second time he does this, so if he even apologizes it's better be a good apologize.

I walked to the Astronomy Tower, like usual, it became more than a habit, it became a routine at this point, the deep view from the skylight already familiar to me as I felt like my problems rush away, being the second thing in the world that could make that happen.

"So, how's things?" Draco asked after a few minutes of us sitting there, silently watching the starts.

"I've followed your advice, I've showed how I cam take care of myself..." I said softly, and then turned to look at him, to catch him already staring at me. "Now Charlotte and I are, well, gaining trust again bit by bit."

"That's good...and how about that boy." He asked with his tone gone colder.

"Oh Matthew, well, he avoids to talk so he doesn't have to apologize. " I said softly, giving him a apologetic smile, and he nodded his head.

"He's a coward." He said firmly after a couple minutes. "He doesn't want to apologize and it's losing you because of it."

"He's not losing me..." I said softly. "I'm mad at him yes, but-" He spoke on top of me, not raising his voice too much.

"But you still wanna be with him." He said coldly, not turning his face at me, when I drove my gaze to find the side of his face clench.

"I don't wanna be with Matthew." I said clearly, pronouncing well very word.

"Well, it's not what you told me." He said each time coldness filled his body, fixing the places of his mask.

"What I told you?!" I repeated his words in a question, not knowing what was he talking about.

"You told me you wanted to go to the Yule Ball with him." He said firmly, still not looking at me.

"That doesn't mean I wanted to be with him." I said pronouncing the be very clearly. "And if I ever wanted, I don't want anymore." I said firmly, making that clear. "I just miss my bestfriend that's all."

"Why? After all he did to you, and it's still doing." He asked abruptly, as I felt his head turn to look at me, and his gaze now burning on the side of my face.

"Because everybody does mistakes, you once said, I'm different from people, people judge the others only by their mistakes, never by the good things they do, huh-" I said calmly, spelling every word clearly.

"No matter how many good things you do, people will only remember the bad ones." Draco said and I turned to him, locking my gaze with his.

"Yeah exactly, and I'm not like that, I'll never abandon a person I care about, no matter how many mistakes they make." I said softly.

He stared at me for a brief moment, before nodding his head and turning to the view.

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