Chapter 71

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More than a month has passed, and not a single good new, my father hasn't sent another letter, and nobody knows of Harry's whereabouts, sometimes I even wonder if he is even doing something.

Voldemort has been, significantly gaining both followers and power, the things at the Ministry of Magic aren't the best now that he has full control of it, and here at school it's not different.

The Carrows have been teaching us, on how to walk in what seems like to be a march, all lined up, walking in tune with the others, as if it would make just one sound together.

Of course, the first times were the hardest ones, and now we can't just wonder through the hallways, we need to have a specific and convenient excuse to walk around the corridors nowadays, and obviously, while marching.

No chatting, no plays, no shouts.

There was even one time where I compared this Hogwarts to Azkaban, both surrounded by Dementors, both locked inside tiny rooms, both tortured when misbehaving, of course that it actually has anything like how Azkaban is, but if the things keep going like this, it won't take long to be like it.

I thought about Matthew.

I thought about his rebellion, he was always against the rules he didn't agreed with, specially in fifth year, I wonder how would he doing if he was in Hogwarts this year.

I can imagine him running in the hallways, escaping from the Carrows, blasting in laugh as he did so, and mischief them in some improvised plan, making he's escaping succeed, of course, he would always got punished and get in detention, but the proud of having them mischief would pay for always did.

Rules are meant to be broke as he said.

My mother once said that to me as well.

That's when she came to my mind, she looked a bit like Matthew, but even more rebel than him in some ways, in second year, she managed to go infiltrate in a trip to Hogwarts from the third years, and walked there with the most calmness of ways, she was never caught, and until this day I wonder how she did it.

Once, she even told me that she managed to lurk inside the Ravenclaw common room, and none of them noticed she didn't belonged to them, but to Slytherin.

She told me about it, the Ravenclaw common room, of how I would like it, she talked about the arched windows circular look down at the school grounds with amazing views from the Black Lake, the Forbidden Forest, the Quidditch pitch, it has in general tons of color blue as expected, a statue of Rowena Ravenclaw, made in white marble, bookcases, and of course, the most beautiful part from her description I have never forgot, the ceiling, all filled with stars, so realistic that looked almost like the real dark sky, being in the same flor as the Astronomy Tower.

Asides from the ceiling part, I don't think I would quite fit Ravenclaw, the greens and furniture from my common room still seem - more like me - and something about the view of the deep lake made me feel comfortable, despite the fact that now it's being annoying because it's practically the only view I have lately.

She told me that in order enter the Ravenclaw common room, it was not necessary a password to enter like in Slytherin, it was necessary to successfully answer right a riddle made by the eagle knocker, which means that I have no question of how she managed to enter the room so easily.

One thing that I'm not like her as well, so many riddles she once did to me and until this very day I still haven't managed to decipher the answer to it, some I say, are perhaps even invented by her, whose answers are buried now with her.

Thinking about that, remembered me of how litlle times I go to the Astronomy Tower lately, the Carrows always watching makes my skin shiver, even Draco has reducing his walks there.

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