Chapter 20

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As soon as I stepped inside the train, my gaze focused in finding either Charlotte or Matthew, I needed to talk with someone and I knew they would hear me, I've never been so desperate to find them than this very moment.

But I came to a halt when my gaze caught Draco's platinum hair, he was standing besides Crabbe and Goyle, shoving everyone to the side as he passed throught.

"Draco..." I whispered as he passed throught me without even looking at my face.

"What do you want, Blackwell?" He asked abruptly, making a disgusting face towards me, as the person that was in front of me, wasn't the one I used to talk to, the boy who I lost my friends due to him. "Are you lost, is that it?" His tone was never been so cold like this, he didn't even dared to look at my eyes, not even once. "Where you're friends Blackwell?"

That sentence hit me like a burning blade, sinking down in me, repeating itself over and over in my head, making me even think if I was insane or if I imagined everything that happened with Draco.

I wanted him to look me in the eye, for him to see my face, for me to see if he meant all of that, trying to decipher what made him become cold like this.

His firm and abrupt words didn't left my head as I left without replying with him, Malfoy was the least of my problems, I had my mom to worry about, but no matter how much I tried to push him away from my mind, his words were sticked to each single inch of my brain, hurting every single time I heard them, like a whole emptiness sank into my body.

Charlotte and Matthew were right, for much that it's hard for me to admit, everything makes sense now, why he was so interested to hear what was happening in my life, he intended to use my weaknesses against me, it was all a game all along...

The thin ice I thought I was breaking, was a fake, having only more ice underneath it, no water to be found, nothing inside that angelic gaze but deep darkness, faking a comfort light in the outside, but devilish contained in them, nothing else but that, pure evilness in the devil disguised as a angel...

I found Charlotte in an empty cabin, reading a book, so I stepped in, and closed the door harshly, sitting in front of her.

"What's wrong with you?" Charlotte asked abruptly, when saw my angry face.

But my anger quickly turned into sadness as my mom kept appearing on my mind, placing me on the verge of tears.

"Hey are you okay?" She asked more softly, when caught sight of my red eyes.

"It's- It's my mom, she's ill, very ill, and-" I stopped myself before I burst out in tears, I knew the last thing my mother wanted was me to be crying over her, she would think it's her fault, just like I would...

"Oh Lara, I'm so sorry." She said softly, placing her book to the side, to hug me, as some tears left my eyed, wetting my cheeks. "She's going to be fine, your mother is a very strong woman."

"I know, I'm just afraid." I said nervously, after pulling away our warm hug.

"Did anything else happened?" Charlotte asked softly, furrowing her eyebrowns in concern.

I thought for a moment wether I should tell her or not, about Draco, if I did, it would probably break this warm between us, only by spelling his name, but if I didn't, I would have to face this horrible feeling all alone...

"...No. Nothing happened, everything's fine." I said softly, and faked a wide smile on my lips.

"And do you want to talk about your mother?" She asked softly.

"Later, I have too much things in my mind now...let's talk about another thing." I said calmly.

"Okay...oh did you heard about Potter?" She asked softly.

"What about him?" I asked furrowing my eyebrowns in curiosity.

"He used magic outside the school, and in front of Muggles." Charlotte said. "The Ministry of Magic wanted to expel him from Hogwarts, but Dumbledore obviously didn't allowed that to happen."

"Is that so?" I said intrigued. "But why did he used magic outside of school though?" I asked knitting my eyebrowns together.

"Apparently, he claims to have been attacked by Dementors, and saw himself obligated to use the Patronus charm." She said firmly, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"But why did the Ministry wanted to expel him if it was in self-defense?" I asked softly.

"Why indeed?" She said raising both eyebrowns.

We spent the rest of our trip talking like we did before, before I had ever talked with Draco, before I had fall into the darkness trying to awake the light that never existed...

I had lost everything, because of him, Matthew, Charlotte, they were right all the time, there's nothing in Malfoy than a cold, and stoned heart, worse than the devil itself, he was the living hell, and I had fall like a prey into the fire, and being burned by it...

As we left the train and walked towards the castle, I saw Malfoy, in front of me, shouting at Harry who was walking in front of him.

"I'm surprised the Ministry is still letting you walk around free, Potter." Draco shouted abruptly at him. "You better enjoy while you can, I expect, there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it!" Harry abruptly stepped towards Draco, ready to hit him if it wasn't for Ron grabbing him back. "What did I tell you? Complete nutter!" He said at Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise and Pansy who were all standing by his side.

"Just stay away from me!" Harry bellowed angrily at him.


In the Great Hall, I was giving very little attention to whatever Dumbledore speech was, my mind was either looking for Matthew or fixed on Draco, trying to see what actually happened for this sudden changed of attitude towards me, part of me refused to believe that he took advantage of me and make fun of my weaknesses.

He never looked at me, but I know he felt my gaze on him, he was just too much of a coward to stare at me as well, so be never did...

"Lara, are you listening Dumbledore?" I heard Charlotte ask, who was sat in front of me, and I quickly turned my head at her.

"What?" I said firmly, and she gestured for me to listen Dumbledore.

"...We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, professor Dolores Umbridge..." Dumbledore pointed to a woman sat in thr staff table, dressed in intense pink clothes, slick but formal, making herself impossible not to be noticed.

She stood up from her chair, and slowly walked from the staff table towards Dumbledore.

"How lovely to see all your bright happy faces again, smiling up at me, I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends..." She said softly, her creepy gaze looking over all the tables. "The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards, to be a vital, importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school..." She gave a short nood at Dumbledore. "Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged, let us preserve, what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected, and prune practices that ought to be, prohibited." She said and gave a little giggle before sitting in her chair again.

Me and Charlotte looked at each other in confusion, because neither of us, understood a single word Umbridge had said.

Dumbledore kept on talking, but instead of looking back at him, I looked at where I felt a burning gaze on the side of my face, and saw Draco - just for a matter of seconds before he imediatly turned around - staring at me.

I wanted him to look, I wanted to see if there was any hint od regret contained on his gaze, he had destroyed me, he had lied to me, and I still wanted all this to be a misunderstanding...

Maybe he got tired of me being always in his place where once only him used to be, and thought this was the only way to stop me to go there, or maybe, Charlotte and Matthew were right all along, and I was foolish, by even trying to help him...

All the different reasons were itching my brain, but no matter how badly I wanted to face him, I didn't plucked the courage to go to the Astronomy Tower that night.

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