Chapter 4

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"In todays class, we will study the a Ageing Potion." Snape said clearly, walking through the classroom, dressed in his long black robes.

"A Ageing Potion haves as purpose, to make the drinker, temporarily older, and, the more potion you drank, the larger the ageing will occur." Snape said firmly, stopping at his desk with a cauldron on top of it, and a few more ingredients to demonstrate the potion.

"Now, I will only explain this once, so be very attentive to it..." He rolled up his sleeves carefully, and took his wand out of his pocket. "Can somebody tell me which ingredients, lay on my desk, use to concoct this specific brew?" Snape asked, his gaze looking between all the class.

Hermione raised her hand imediatly, asking for permission to speak up and answer, but Snape, not being quite a fan of Gryfindors, and besides, being the master of our house, ignored her like if her presence was unexistent.

I knew what ingredients were, my grades are quite neat, not as much as Hermione, she's the best of our class, but I was impeccable with my grades.

I was about to raised my hand in the air, but Snape's voice stopped me from doing so.

"Mr. Malfoy, would you like to answer my question?" Snape asked firmly, raising an eyebrown at Draco.

Draco was with his arms crossed in front of his chest, layed with his back on the chair, not even looking at Snape, clearly focused on his own thoughts, switching the quill between his fingers.

"Newt spleens, bananas, an orange snake and a green leaf." Draco answered firmly, not even looking at Snape, like if he was one hundred por cent sure about his answer.

He was right, those were indeed the main ingredients to brew an Ageing Potion, I've never cared before but, Draco is actually a boy with really good grades, almost as good as Hermione, better than me actually.

"Correct. Thank you Mr. Malfoy..." Snape said and then focusing on his cauldron. "All of you, write that down at once." He said firmly.

Hermione rolled her eyes in frustration for not being the one answering Snape's question, and lowered her hand, sitting properly on her chair.

I took my quill, and wrote the ingredients down, even already knowing all of this, but while doing so, my gaze focused itself on Draco.

He wasn't writing, he was clearly bored, as playing with his quill between his fingers, swinging his chair back and forth with the help of his foot, sat in the middle of Crabbe and Goyle.

He must have noticed me staring at him, because he drove his attention on his quill, directly at me, locking his gaze with mine.

He didn't made any expression, and neither did I, we both just stared at each other from across the room, none of us wanting to break eye contact.

His eyes were so beautiful, the grey made me remember of beautiful shining diamonds, looking at me, not some type of eyes I would thought a person like people say Draco is, to have such astonishing eyes, that made me feel comfortable while staring at them.

"Lara?" I heard a soft voice on my side call me, but ignored it.

His, platinum blonde hair perfectly divided in the middle, falling until hitting his eyebrowns.

"Hey?" Charlotte hit my elbows slightly, catching my attention, which made me broke my eye contact with Draco, and turning to the girl sat on my left. "What are you doing, Snape started brewing the damn potion minutes ago, and you aren't listening?!" She said quietly in my ear, but with a hint of pure surprise in her tone.

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