Chapter 40

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After a whole week, I was progressing absolutely nothing in conjuring a Patronus, still no animal form was visible, or even a shield forms, I was slowly losing hope that I would ever be able to produce one.

Going to the D.A. meetings was getting harder everytime, due to the tight vigilance from the Inquisitorial Squad, and getting excuses to lie to at least three people at the same time from my whereabouts, was getting harder and harder each time, specially when they have to be convincing.

Sometimes I wonder if I just told Draco, that I was secretly practicing with an army created by Harry, his worst enemy, and then I realized myself of how stupid that sounds, and it's better to lie rather than have him facing the truth.

Because the truth hurts.

I wonder what advice would my mother give me in this situation, probably she would tell me one of her old riddles, that usually become quite helpful - when you resolve them of course- or either tell me to do what I think is the right thing to do, not that makes much sense either, but I always managed to understand.

Despite all the stress from escaping from the Inquisitorial Squad to conjure a Patronus, I have been trying to do what Draco and Matthew told me to in different ways, take life less serious.

Sometimes in the weekend, me and Charlotte go to Hogsmead, a village near the Hogwarts Express, and went to the Three Bromsticks, and we drank some butterbeers, she tried to make me laugh, or smile at least, but nothing worked.


"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember, allow it to fill you up." Harry said effortly, even thought we already knew how this worked, he made sure to remind us. "A full-bodied Patronus is the most difficult to produce, but shield forms can also be equally useful against, a variety of opponents." Harry said firmly while walking between the students.

I raised my wand upon in the air again, and this time, tried to think about other memory of my mother, and an idea hit me.

One time, I saw my mother, conjuring a Patronus, it was the most astonishing thing my nine years old eyed have ever witnessed, I got so hypnotized by the sight of it, a beautiful blackbird, when I first saw it, I thought odd for my mother to have that type of Patronus, but then she told me that Blackbirds, are known as mysterious and intuitive, therefore it was more than obvious why was this her Patronum.

It was most certain that my Patronus would be a Blackbird as well, therefore,I closed my eues, and focused my mind in that day, where we were layed in the grass, and she took out her wand upon in the air, and conjured that dazzling bird, where my eyes shined just by the sight if it, and I ranned after him throught the grass, trying to catch it.

"Expecto Patronum!" I shouted, and opened my eyes to see a silvery-white light, appearing at my wand, slowly becoming a bird, quite small, almost transparent, but then, vanished when I lost my focus due to a small, but loud earthquake.

Well, at least it seemed a eartquake, but, only inside the room, the lights were flashing, and everything was shaking, but, then we realized were the shaking was coming from, when we saw one of the mirror made walls start to crack.

Something or someone was trying to explode with the wall.

We, slowly, approach the wall, staring at it, fearing of what could came in, with our wand at the ready, while more, smalls explosions occurred from outside the room.

Suddenly, the mirror shattered in pieces, and fell into the ground, showing now only a stone wall that was underneath it, with a small hole on it.

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