Chapter 16

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Charlotte and I never spoke of Draco again, but when I think we're good, she goes back to that distant and cold side everytime I comeback from the Tower, she knows where I'm going, but she chooses not to say anything about that and so do I, that way we avoid any possible argue between us, she knows that as well as I do.

"Hey, Lara, I've never asked you again, how's things with Matthew?" Charlotte said softly, as we both were sat in the library, studying for a Potions essay.

"Oh, well, not good, we barely talk at all, and when we do, we always end up arguing." I said calmly, stopping my reading to look at Charlotte.

"And what are you guys always arguing about?" She asked, not taking her gaze off the page she was currently reading.

"Matthew wants me to stop talking with Draco even knowing that I will not to." I said, driving my gaze off her to my page, already knowing where this would end up in.

"And how are things with Draco that makes you lose your friendship with Matthew-" I spoke on top of her imediatly.

"Charlotte, I don't want to argue with you either, so please let's just forget about it." I said firmly, avoiding eye contact with her.

"I'm just curious of what do you see in him." She said softly, fixing the glasses on top of her nose.

"I see, what you, Matthew, and lots of people will never see." I said firmly, locking my gaze with hers.

"Sure Lara...but I still think he's playing with you, and you can't change my mind." She said firmly, focusing on her page again.

"I've never understood why both of you think that, you guys don't trust me." I said already annoyed by her attitude.

"Because Lara, we know how Malfoy really is, we know how the real world really is." She said firmly, releasing a deep sigh.

"Charlotte not to be rude, but if someone doesn't know how the real world really is, that someone is you." I said standing up from my chair, I wanted anything but to have a fight at this moment, and most important, it was getting late, so I went to the Astronomy Tower.

Draco was not there yet, so I sat there, spending some minutes alone, looking up to the sky, observing thinking about all that happened, all that has changed since the first year begun, how wrong I was to think this would be a ordinary year.

When Draco arrived, he didn't spoke, I just gave him a smile as he sat down besides me, watching the stars as well.

"So, your friends, how is everything going?" He asked firmly, neither of us not taking our eyes off the astonishing view.

"Not very good actually, I guess they're just like everybody else..." I said softly.

"Why do you say that?" He asked as I felt his head turn to look at me.

"Matthew and Charlotte are mad because..." I took a deep sigh before talking. "...they don't really like the idea of me talking with you." I said, avoiding his burning gaze on my skin, begging me to look at him in the eye.

"Oh, so that's why they're mad." He said firmly, but I didn't replied to him. "And why don't they like that?" He asked, and I slowly turned head to look at his grey eyes, already staring at me.

"They say what everybody else says about you, that you're bad and arrogant." I isaid softly, watching his eyes, waiting for some reaction to the words I just said.

"Oh yeah, and what makes you think that I'm not what they say I am?" He asked firmly, his gaze locked in me.

His eyes looked like the most precious I've ever seen, an angel in the outside, covering the demon inside of him, a chaos awaiting to be awake, a chaos I should probably avoid, but instead it just made me want to get burned with it, he was the devil in an angels body, he was beyond any gods, he was the darkness and I was the light.

"I know it." I said softly. "I don't think you are bad, just, misunderstood." I saw the mask that was vanishing, almost disappear in the endless moonlight, built itself again, being more attached to him then five minutes ago.

"You can think whatever you want, I don't care, that doesn't mean you're right." He said coldly, breaking our eye contact.

"You don't have to pretend to be mean when you're with me, Draco." I said softly, already regretted for having this conversation with him.

"I'm not pretending!" He said angrily. "You don't know me, Blackwell, and maybe you should listen to your friends." He said firmly, like if we were totally strangers, if nothing between us happened within these lasts few months.

"Draco, why are you acting like this-" He cut me off.

"Because that's who I am! I'm not misunderstood like you think I am." He said firmly, and I shut my mouth closed when I was about to say something back, I knew this conversation would not end up well, and now here I am, after months gaining his trust, waisted away...

I thought it was for the best for me to leave, he needed some time alone that's for sure, and I was confused by his reaction, it feels like he felt himself obliged to be like that, if he didn't had a choice but to be like that, because, I may not know much about him, but I know more than I did months ago...

I left abruptly, and ranned all the way back to my dorm, slamming the door as soon as I stepped in.

"Let me guess, Malfoy..." Charlotte said firmly, when saw my frustration.

"Charlotte, I don't have time for this now." I said annoyed, letting my body fall carelessly into the mattress.

He was trying to make me angry with him for some reason, he's not like that, he's not the Draco I know, once again, he was way more than a simple mystery...

"Well of course you don't, it's all you do now, and still, you're layed in your bed right now, frustrated because of him, but your head is looking for ways to talk with him again." She said leaving me surprised, while knitting my eyebrowns in astonishment. "You're still my bestfriend, I know how you are." She said softly, sitting on the edge of her bed.

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