Chapter 42

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So much has happened that I completely forgot, about the bloody O.W.Ls, I haven't studied a bit, which is not like me, before, I would have started studying like three months before - perhaps more.

I only remember because last week, Charlotte asked me if I would borrow my appointments, which I didn't because I didn't had any.

I've been so busy with all this lies, and the practice at the D.A. that I barely had time to think about that.

What would my mother say about this?

She tells me she was a bit rebel, but always with good grades, and she must feels disappointed, I promised I would remain the happy girl I was before she...before what happened...and I lied, my year is being filled with lies to be honest, and it's not something I'm proud of.

I have been ignoring Matthew the all week, I do not wish to speak with him not even more like it, I wish he remains on his space, while I remain in mine.


That's the real issue that I care about.

He's been distant, barely speaks, it's not like he's rude, he just avoids to speak, prefers to hear me talking about random things, but I wished it was different, still, with Draco, the silence between us felt good, there was no need for us to switch words to understand each other, only our presence, most of the time, I'm playing with his ring, it relaxed me, and he didn't seemed to be bothered about that, quite the opposite actually, he seems willing gives his hand to me, even though how tense he got when I touched him.


We were all sat in the Great Hall, doing our O.W.L about Theory of Charms, which to me was going terribly bad, except, of course, the only one who so far went well was Defense Against the Dark Arts, after all, that was all we have done when we trained at the D.A.

I've never enjoyed Charms myself, and nor did Charlotte, in others times, I would have asked Matthew to help me studying, counting on how he likes the subject and, of course, because the Outstanding he had last year in his Charms O.W.L., knowing him, he would be one hundred por cent of the time making fun of me for not being as good as be is, but again, these are not other times, and I was not speaking with Matthew.

Everything was extremely quite, the only sound in the room was the sound of the quills hitting the paper, and the big clock ticking behind Umbridge, who stood looking at us carefully, with a devilish smile on her lips, now with Dumbledore gone, almost all our freedom was taken away, and this was more a prison rather than a school.

I was struggling to answer this more than I thought I would, if at least I had just a few more days, it would be easier, and this thing has more pages than my own life, and I was only in the beginning, which means the rest of it would be a nightmare.

My attention diverted to the big door, which was closed, but big and loud noises were coming out of it, and not a lot of seconds later, all the room, including Umbridge - who did not looked pleased with that- was focused on the door as well.

Umbridge started walking between us, her pace was quick, she certainly did not looked pleased at all, with all the loud noises coming from outside.

She opened the door, and all I saw was a little blue firework, pop up right in front of her face, breaking into small ones who popped inside the room.

Seconds after, Fred and George Weasley stormed in the room flying around in their rooms, almost making Umbridge fall in the ground as they did so, and with a flick from their wands, made all of our O.W.Ls fly around, mixing them in the air.

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