Chapter 76

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The days seemed to grew shorter at my eyes, the wind pointed to a war and soon, everybody seemed to feel it, the sky getting darker, and it's been a time since the sun last peeked between the clouds.

I haven't had an opportunity to speak with Luna yet, it's hard to find her around, actually the corridors feels more empty than before, but perhaps it's only the rest of the students that choose to remain inside their commons rooms.

The classes with the Carrows have become worse, more abrupt, more strict, my fear for both of them starting to grow wider, something that it should've happen counting that they are commonly known as cowards that punish kids by their own amusement, by sport more likely, only a tiny mistake and you found yourself running away from them.

I walked, firmly, in direction to the Great Hall, I was supposed to have breakfast with Draco, in our usually seat.

Usually I'm the first to arrive, but today I got up late, and so a thought popped in my mind when I saw him already sat there, me and Matthew, or Charlotte even, used to sat there in that very same place, it's incredible how much thing happened so fast, of how it's necessary to see the side of the apparent villain, to discover who the real villains are.

It's not like I found Charlotte and Matthew as villains of course, they made mistakes, and showed - in a way - that they are indeed regretted, but that doesn't change how they left me when I most needed, and neither of them believed, and sometimes I wonder if until this day they do believe me already.

As I reached the table, I noticed his uneasiness, his discomfort and concern marked on his face as he read the Daily Prophet.

And this time, his mask was attached to his face, it's usual when I see him in a public space, he wants to seem intimidating - even tho he already is even without his cold mask - he wants to make sure nobody goes near him, therefore nobody goes near me that Draco could see as dangerous.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I sat down, his eyes diverting to me, only then realizing that I was here.

"It's Bellatrix's vault, it has been robed." Draco said, while folding the paper and placing it aside.

"At Gringotts?!" I asked surprisingly, and he nodded his head.

Not once, someone was capable to break into Gringotts, it was known as the safest place in the whole world, impossible to break in, and no one ever did such achievement, until now, the very first time.

"Do they know who?" I asked intrigued by who had made such a historic and almost miracle achievement.

"Potter, and his litlle friends." Draco said firmly, his voixe hardened by the dislike he still has from him, despite the fact he wants him to win this war as well.

"Harry did this?!" I asked even more shocked and curious than I was three seconds ago, he only nodded. "How?" I asked.

"Apparently, they used Polyjuice Potion to disguise as my aunt, and then Potter was hidden behind his little invisible cloak." Draco said, his words firm.

"They must have found a Bellatrix hair when they were captured into the Manor then." I said, and he nodded agreeing with my theory.

I don't know what Harry's playing at, but t if he was any intends to defeat Voldemort, then he better do it fast, his followers are growing each day, a day passes, is less a chance to defeat him and put an end in this living nightmare.


In the night, I carefully climbed the Astronomy Tower stairs, when a thought came to my mind.

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