Chapter 44

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The summer had passed like flashes through my eyes, and no reply from Draco, I sent him at least seven letters in the last two months, and nothing, not a single reply.

What I hoped already to be a disturbing and awkward summer, had gotten way worse, thinking on the amount of letters he sent me in Christmas, this was not normal from him.

Most of times, I read the letters over and over, having already memorized them, hoping that my father would knock on my door while I did so, carrying a letter with him.

I wondered all the times if I had written the right address, but then I remembered that even if I didn't wrote to him, he would always sent me his letters, no matter if I replied to them or not.

But such thing hasn't happened, my father noticed the sadness marked all over my face, and tried to cheer me up with a game of chess, like my mother used to do when I needed some cheer up.

It didn't worked quite well, but I appreciated his try, besides, playing with him was not the same, my mother was cunning, and clever, extremely competitive like me, turning the chessboard almost like a battle field, being difficult to win the match, my father, well, my father wasn't properly the best gamer I ever saw, but not the worst either, so win him was like take a candy away from a child.

I wrote to Charlotte, telling everything that was happening in my life, including Draco, she unlike him, did replied to me, saying that it's not normal, and that it's better if I forget him before he truly hurts me, and damages me mentally.

But I was already damaged in a way that no one could either heal or destroy even more, so I had nothing to loose.

However, I might knew the reason why Draco wasn't writing back to me, specially when I saw a picture of him and his mother on the Daily Profet, with the title, "Fallen From Grace Malfoy's Wife and Son Leave the Trial" and followed as well with a picture of Lucius Malfoy telling he has been placed in Azkaban after the incident in the Ministry which apparently he was accused for serving Voldemort, and being a trust follower of him.

Draco didn't looked healthy in that picture, and neither did his mother, he looked way more grown, his hair perfectly stilled to the side, his features more cold, but way more paller, almost like he was ill, which made my chest ache at such sight of his.

Worried about him, I sent him a letter asking if he was okay, which I didn't got a reply off.

I understood that he might be very affected by his father arrest, and he might be too busy helping his mother at the Manor, I didn't replied as well when I was affected by my mother's situation, and he still made sure he was with me in this by always sending letters, and I made sure I did the same.

Most of times, I grabbed his the necklace with his ring on it, tightly against my chest, remembering of his warm and kind touch as my skin has already familiarized with it.

Not that the outside world is doing fine, since the return of Voldemort was confirmed by the Ministry of Magic, that people have been desperate, afraid of leaving their homes, attacks have been occurring both in wizard and muggle world, the security is collapsing, and Voldemort has gaining more followers, Death Eaters as they're called, which and those same are the responsible for these terrible attacks.

Lots of people are missing, some are even death, and since the battle between Harry and Voldemort in the Ministry of Magic back at the end of fifth year, that has been rumors about Harry be, the Chosen One, or in another words, the only person capable do destroy Voldemort for good.

I hadn't talked much with my father, he was depressed most of the time, and I was in the verge of it.

With all my things packed up, I went downstairs, to meet my father and from there we go to the Station 9¾.

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