Chapter 30

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Going to the Room of Requirement has been way harder now with the Inquisitorial Squad, and most importantly trying not to be catch by Draco.

After that night conversation, that a few thoughts had found accommodation in my mind, I felt the urge to tell everything to Draco, about the Dumbledore's army, I trust him but, Harry trusted me, and like Draco said, they are not properly the bestfriends ever, therefore, I couldn't tell Draco, or anyone, about this.

With the Christmas holidays at the door, my head it's running through counting the days until I see my mom, checking how she is, since that letter from my father that I don't have any others news from her.

With all the stress during the day, having to manage the time of the classes and the practice at the Room of Requirement, thinking about my mom, having to lie about where I was, being with Draco at night is what relieves me from all that, we still are, a bit odd, about what is currently happening between us, is still strange, it's a new thing - whatever this is - and we are going very slowly with it.

But this day, fortunately, we didn't had any classes, we will be watching the Quidditch game between Slytherin and Quidditch, however I didn't wanted to go, I also wanted to suport Draco, the seeker from our team, and I know he will like me being there to support him.

Me and Charlotte went together to the Quidditch field, and sat in the Slytherin zone, there was a lot of noises, everybody was cheering everywhere, and there was so much crowd, that it was difficult to move among the students.

Being almost impossible to climb the stairs, to be as high as the players, me and Charlotte stayed at the bottom, being more easily to get out after the game.

Both teams entered the field, Harry wasn't among the Gryfindor plauers, he is the seeker, a pretty good one to be honest, instead, Ginny Weasley was in his place, which would make our win way more easily.

My gaze imediatly fell on Draco, he was in his Quidditch robes, flying in his Nymbus 2001, his hair was falling into his eyes, and he took it off with a soft swing from his neck, and his gaze fell on mine.

We locked our eyes for a few moments, and he smirked at me and drove his gaze to Madam Hooch who was about to start the game.

She throwed the Quaffle into the air, and the game begun, the first catching the Quaffle was Blaise, he was a Chaser from our team, Draco and Ginny were stopped in the air, waiting to see the Snitch.

The Quidditch game was pretty tied, Slytherin was now with 50 points, and Gryfindor with 60, and the rain was not helping at all.

Adrian Pucey, a Slytherin Chaser as well, took the Quaffle out of Angelina Johnson hands, Gryfindor Chaser, and flew around with it, be passed it to Blaise and he scored another ten points to slytherin, as all the people behind us cheered out loud, and the two teams were now tied.

Suddenly I saw Draco finally leaving his place, and Ginny followed him as she saw him go after the Snitch.

They were flying around all the field, everybody's gaze was on them, although we barely could see the Snitch.

They were side to side, both of their arms were stretched forward, and suddenly they stopped, and Draco raised his hand in the air, as a shinning ball was in his hand, he had the widest smile I've ever seen in his face, I've heard about his love for Quidditch and I could say now that he really loved playing this.

All the Slytherin crowd stood up, including me, and clapped at their victory as they slowly stepped into the ground.

He was cheering among his friends, still with the Snitch raised in the air, and his gaze fell in mine.

I wanted to go and hug him, we promised each other we would take this slowly, but when I saw his mesmerizing gaze, I couldn't help myself but run into him and give him the tightest hug ever, he imediatly wrapped his arms around me, his body was soaked due to the rain, but his body was warm.

When I pulled away, he locked his gaze with mine, his hair was wet and so was his clothes, the snitch still in his hand, I wanted to kiss him, and also did he, but his friends took him away, cheering before we even had the chance to.


"Working hard is important." Harry said firmly, today, we would be upgrading our Expelliarmus charm. "But there's something that matters even more, believing in yourself. Think of it this way, every great wizard in history, started out as nothing more than what we are now - students." Harry said, pacing along all the room as multiples Expelliarmus Charms were being, successfully well performed. "If they could do it, why not us?"

Harry got closer to me, and positioned my arm better, as I was pointing my wand towards Luna Lovegood and helped me do the movement of the wand properly as I shouted "Expelliarmus" towards her, and his body was throwed away successfully.

"Well done, Lara, remember don't shake your wand too much." Harry said softly. "Luna, your turn now." Harry said firmly when Ron stood up from the floor.

"Expelliarmus!" Luna shouted at me, and I was throwed away, and fell in the ground.

"Well done Luna." Harry said softly as he helped me to get out the ground. "Both of you good work." Harry said and paced along the room checking the others students.

"You're okay, Lara?" Luna asked softly.

"Yeah, I'm fine, good job." I said as I pointed my wand towards her, and we continued practicing together until the rest of the class.

We left the Room of Requirement, carefully and quietly, now with the Inquisitorial Squad, we have to be even more cautions not to get caught.

"What are you doing here?" I heard, a familiar voice shout behind me, it was not Draco's voice, but a female voice, so I turned around and saw Pansy, smirking at me. "It's past curfew, you shouldn't be here, where were you going so fast?" She asked slowly stepping foward towards me.

"I was going back to the common room." I said nervously.

"You do know as a prefect that I am, I must give you a detention for breaking curfew, right?" She said firmly, but I didn't replied anything. "Was someone with you?"

"I- I-" A male, deep voice coming from behind me cut me off.

"She's with me, Pansy." I turned around imediatly, and saw Draco appearing from the shadows, walking towards me. "I asked, Blackwell to help me patrol tonight.

"And why is that, you have me you don't need-" He cut Pansy off.

"Don't you have other places to watch, Pansy?" Draco asked firmly.

She made a disgusted face towards me and walked away from us abruptly.

"What did she said to you?" Draco asked as he kept looking at Pansy making sure she stepped away.

"Oh just prefect things I guess." I said softly, and then he locked his gaze with mine.

"If she dares to do something to you, you better tell me right away." Draco said firmly. "I don't really trust Pansy." He said, and grabbed my hand, pulling us away.

"From where did you come from though?" Draco asked, and I bit my bottom lip trying to come out with a good excuse.

"I just...I usually take a walk before go to the Tower, to...relive my mind a bit, because of my mother and all." I felt my world crashing away having to lie like this to Draco, it was just half-true anyways, not entirely a lie...

"Well don't worry, your mother will be fine I'm sure." Draco said softly.

I felt his thumb slowly rub the back of my hand, relieving my tension, as we walked towards the Astronomy Tower.

"You played really good today, by the way." I said smiling, and we came to an halt, where he smirked at me.

"Blackwell, tell me something I don't know." Draco said amusingly, and I gave him a short laugh.

There were so many things he doesn't know that I wish to tell him...

He tuck a piece of my brown hair behind my ear, and he his gaze was traveling between my lips in eyes, and he smirked, right before he placed his soft lips in mine.

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