Chapter 17

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The day of the final task arrived like a flash throught my eyes, I had very little interest in going anyway, everything is been a mess lately, Draco's got colder, Matthew been more distant than ever, and Charlotte barely smiles when speaks to me, sometimes I even think she only speaks with me for pity or sorrow.

Matthew sometimes even skipped dinner with me, leaving me alone in a table full of Slytherins, with no friends to speak with.

But I didn't felt bad about that, I prefer being alone rather than have to be eating while avoiding each other, it was almost as the same as being alone anyways.

In the day of the final task we didn't had any classes, but to be honest, I had no patience for celebrations and tournaments at this moment, however, I went with Charlotte to the Quidditch pitch.

It was different, a high hedge all around the way of the benchs full of people, the band playing music as we waited for the champions to appear.

My gaze went through all the crowd, until stopped at the sight of the boy with platinum hair.

He was cheering for Viktor Krum, with Blaise and Pansy by his side, Crabbe and Goyle sat on Blaise's right side, cheering as well.

He was smiling, that's what I most noticed, he was clapping even more when Krum stepped in the pitch, with a small flag, on his hand supporting him.

He was just a few seats far away from me, he didn't noticed me staring he was too focused on what was happening beneath our eyes, and so I did the same.

"Deep within the maze, there's is the Triwizard Cup, only Mr. Moody is known of it's position..." Said Dumbledore loudly to all of us. "Now as Mister Diggory, and Mister Potter, are tied in first position, they'll be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mister Krum, and Miss Delacour." A lot of people cheered at them, I was just, carelessly clapping, bothered to be here.

"The first champion to touch the cup will be the winner!" Shouted Dumbledore, and then stepping closer to the four champions, whispering to them.

The band started playing again, as Harry and Cedric waited for the sound of the canon so they could step in the huge maze, and which by the size of it, made me realize I would be here bothered for a long time.

They stepped inside, vanishing in the darkness of the maze's path, and the two entrances they stepped closed.

Not longer after, the canon sounded again, and Krum stepped into the maze, followed, a few minutes after by Fleur, and all the four entrances of the maze were now closed.

Bored by how silent and unmoved everything was, I decided myself to look at Draco again, who happened to be already staring at me, cold eyes and a firm, death expression as he did so.

We kept eye contact between each other for a long time, lost in each other's gazes, almost like a contest to see who would fall to their kness at the other godless, golden eyes.

But I didn't dared to look away neither did he, tantalized by his mesmerizing grey eyed, completely lost within them, in the river shivering beneath them, watching the boy I saw once, just for a deep strong moment, until he looked himself away in his burning cage.

Only when Fleur appeared on the field after the announcement of her giving up, and we all turned our gazes there, breaking our strong eye contact.

We never caught eye again for the rest of the tournament, and after a few moments of Fleur returning, Krum lost as well, leaving only Cedric and Harry the only ones at the maze.

The moon had already appeared on the dark sky, and yet, no sight of them, as the light of the day was replaced by the light of the moon.

After a few hours, the nightfall already covering all our bodies as the hard wind kisses our bodies harshly, they appeared, together, Harry and Cedric.

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