Chapter 74

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Me and Draco were sleeping peacefully, when a rush knock appeared on our door, and both of us woke up startled.

Draco imediatly stood up from the bed, his wand at the ready, due to the abrupt knock, and he slowly opened it.

"Mother..." Draco said calmly, and lowered his wand when saw Narcissa standing outside the door.

She looked nervous, and way paller than before.

"Draco, you and Lara need to come to the dining room, now." She said nervously.

"Why, what happened?" Draco asked concerned.

"It's Potter, we think we caught him, but we need both of you to make sure it's him." Narcissa said nervously, and I gave a desperation look at Draco, who seemed as worried as me.

"Okay, don't worry." He said calmly, and then closed the door.

"Draco, do you think they actually caught him?!" I stood up abruptly from my bed, and walked in his direction.

"I don't know." He said calmly.

"What why do they need us to identify him?" I asked abruptly.

"I don't know, Lara listen..." He placed his hands on my shoulders. "Calm down, we can't freak out." He said softly and I nodded my head.

We got ready fastly, and did as Narcissa told us, we descended the stairs, that leaded to the dining room, but it was different, the long table, where Charity was killed, was now pulled into a corner of the room, leaving one of the sides against the wall, and the center of the room being all empty.

And then I gasped.

There were Snatchers in the dining room, along with Fenrir Greyback who was holding Ron, and Marcellus Angelo, who was holding Hermione, both looked at me, they looked so different from the last time I saw them, taller, grown, but also thinner.

And the there was Bellatrix, kneeled on the floor, grabbing Harry by the hair, but he was different, his face deformed almost disfigured, swollen, like some alergic reaction, unrecognizable to the eyes of someone who doesn't really know him, but at my eyes it was more than obvious, and to Draco to who looked at me in desperation as well.

My father was there was well, and eyed me carefully while I stood near him, looking down at Harry, along with Lucius and Narcissa, with Draco now also standing even closer to Harry than I was.

"Well?" Bellatrix asked Draco, who was with his gaze fixed on Harry.

I was breathing heavily, if they caught Harry, everything would be lost, everything, this world would be left a complete ruin, but, if we lied...

"I can't be sure." Draco said firmly, and my gaze diverted from Harry to him.

"Draco..." Lucius said besides me, and stepped towards Draco, grabbing strongly by the neck. "Look closely son." He said firmly. "If we are the ones to hand Potter over to the Dark Lord..." Lucius said quietly. "Everything will be, forgiven will all be as was, understand?" He asked, and Draco gave a nervous nod.

"Now, he won't be forgetting who, actually caught him, I hope Mr. Malfoy." A Snatcher, Scabior, said firmly.

"How dare to talk to me like that in my own house!" Lucius shouted startling both Draco and me.

"Lucius!" Narcissa said firmly, as she pulled him away from Draco, making him release the grip he was holding on him.

"What about you?" I heard my father whisper in my ear.

I looked over at Harry, kneeled down on the floor, Bellatrix waiting for a response pointing her wand directly at him, his fate was in my hands and Draco, and it wasn't a good feeling.

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