Chapter 66

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It was Christmas day, I was hoping for my
father to knock in the morning, it was snowing outside, lately I barely leave my room, I try not to leave at least due to the screams I sometimes heard coming from the dungeons.

Sometimes when I do go out with Narcissa or my father - which is very rare - I catch a glimpse of Draco climbing the stairs that leaded to the dungeons, making me wondering if he knew who was there arrested.

These four walls that I have already memorized until now have made me sick, even the maze so far did, the only thing different from the other days was probably the snow falling from the sky.

I didn't know what to hope today, either the screams or perhaps a calming but doubtful silence, but definitely nothing looking like the song coming from downstairs.

It sounded like a melody, coming from a piano, seemed familiar but it was too far away.

I thought of what my father said, about not leaving my room, and wonder through the hallway alone, but something on the song was making me want to follow it's sound.

I opened the door, and saw that there wasn't anyone, so I thought it would be fine if I just went to peek where this melody came from.

My father seemed to not be here, so I just stepped out of my door, my heels hitting the marble floor had to be quiet if I didn't wanted to wake up the possible guests in the other rooms.

My feet followed the sound of the piano, it seemed coming from the living room, so I slowly checked if I was being followed by someone, and descended the stairs that leaded to the living room, quietly.

As I reached the end of the staircase, I caught a glimpse a platinum blonde hair, sat in a small bench, playing in a giant piano, a beautiful melody.

I was careful to not let my steps stop him from the masterpiece he was playing on the piano, each note, each sound was the reflection of his pain, of his unspoken feelings, played with emotion, each time his fingers touched the piano keys.

The harmony he was playing was like caressing my ears, such effort he was putting into playing it like he had gone away from the world and it was just this sensational melody.

I've never seen anyone play like this before, such emotion such effort into playing it well, like if he was eager to play it as soon as he arrived, like if the world was ending and the last thing he had was this song.

I was still slowly approaching him, saw his fingers fastly moving around the piano keys like if the own fingers knew perfectly this song like playing since he remembered, having all the notes memorized on the point of his fingers, his back was turned to me but I could say he wasn't even looking at the piano keys most of the times, his own body knew this by memory.

My gaze surrounded the living room I was in, seeing the giant Christmas tree right near the piano, so big I had to lift my head upwards just to try to see the top of it.

The song stopped, he was still leaned over the piano, his hands still on the top of the piano keys, and he the only sound in the room was now his breathing.

"You play beautifully." I said softly, but making him gasp out of scare, and imediatly turn around, facing me, relaxing when he saw who it was.

"You. What are you doing here?" He asked calmly, fully turning around his body to face me.

"I was listening you playing from my room, and I wanted to hear it closer." I said softly and he nodded his head. "I didn't know you played." I said, taking a few trusting steps forward.

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