Chapter 61

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The first class of the day, was Defense Against the Dark Arts, with Amycus Carrow, the all class was quiet as they sat down in the tables, and I looked at the classroom, and saw Charlotte sat in the middle row, alone, so I thought I would join her.

I gave her a thin smile as I sat down in her left side, and wanted for the class to start, examinating the classroom with my gaze, Amycus was standing impatiently for everyone to sit, with his hands along his body, one on top of the other.

Draco was with Blaise, right in the table next to my left, but didn't seemed pleased to see him there, but I'm glad Blaise is trying to get Draco back, even if he didn't wanted, if there was someone annoying and stubborn enough to make him start to become himself, that someone was Blaise.

"First of all, I want to inform you of the slight changes, that will occur in this subject." Amycus said firmly, slowly pacing in front of his desk. "Such known as the ludicrous Defense Against the Dark Arts, will, from now on, be called by only Dark Arts, and by sequence the topics itself." He said coming to an halt in the middle of the two stairs that were between ours and his desk.

All the class was quiet, as he gave a flick with his wand, and started distributing the new books around the tables, the most dark books I've ever saw, the amount of spells that were usually kept in the Restricted Section of the library was uncountable.

"Now, that you're all to the pair of these small changes, let's start our class." He demanded as he used his wand to make the chalk write on the blackboard.

"The Dark Arts are, as you all must know, the most powerful type of magic, that was only forbidden by the previous Ministry of Magic because it was too powerful to be bared by mediocre wizards, such as you see the Dark Lord himself is the most powerful wizard of all time due to his greatness and skills in Dark Arts." He said firmly, and descended the two stairs, and walked between the rows of students.

We were writing down everything he said, every lie, every facade, the complete opposite from what we have learned in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Be ready students, soon enough, and you will learn and perform the Dark Arts, and I demand nothing more than perfection." Amycus said as he was turning around to go back to his desk.

"You're mad if you think we are going to do such thing!" Neville shouted, as he stood up from his chair to face Amycus.

Amycus stood slowly examining Neville with his gaze, clenching his jaw as he did so.

"Nevile Longbottom am I right?" Amycus asked but didn't waited for Neville to respond, and started walking towards Neville desk who was in front of me."Well Neville, let me tell you, that things are going to be very different from now on, so I advice you to keep your filthy mouth shut." He said firmly.

"You wish, Harry will be back, and will defeat all of you-" He was cut off by Amycus who, in a sudden move, made a cut in his face with the help of his wand, making Neville gasp.

All the eyes were on them now, watching Neville with his hand over his cut, while Amycus was clenching his jaw in pure anger.

"You shut your mouth boy, that name is not allowed here, Potter will defeat nothing." He said pronouncing every word clearly enough, to make sure all of us would hear.

Neville said nothing, and only sat back down, his hand already covered in the blood from the cut Amycus did to him.

I looked at Charlotte, her fear face as the same as mine was, looking terrified at Amycus while he walked back to his desk.

"This, class, was a warning to all of you as well..." He started. "Shall you disrespect or break any rules and you will be punished...some punishments, are more severe than others..." He said vaguely.

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