Chapter 6

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I barely found Draco the next few days, as I didn't came to the Astronomy Tower either, first of all, I was still evaluating on how I would approach him again.

Draco Malfoy was something more than a simple mystery or a riddle, he was a challenge, and a Blackwell loves those type of challenges, specially the difficult ones.

But definitely not something to worry about right now.

Right now, I was in the Great Hall, now a bit different, with way more benchs, most of them, all around the grand Goblet of Fire.

Today, we were finally choosing the three champions from each school.

I was sat next to Matthew, in the benchs, facing the Goblet, and Charlotte was sat in the middle of the Durmstrangs in the bench right besides our, a pair of inches away from our, whispering something in the ear of one of them, and, fornthe description she gave me a few days ago, it looked like that was the boy she's been talking to.

Everybody was gathering around, making the Great Hall completely full of people, not a empty seat to be seen.

As I looked to the bench on my left, the same where Charlotte was, I flinched when I saw Draco, even more closer to me than Charlotte was, as she was sat, around the center of the bench, and he was right at the edge.

Crabbe and Goyle remained on his side, like body guards guarding each side of him, not going to lie, asking Draco if he likes to be treated like that has been an itching pain in my head.

And, of course, Pansy and Blaise were sat right in the bench below them.

I just kept staring at Draco, catching him speaking with Viktor Krum one time or another, which most of times he returnes with a nodd or a slight laugh.

Dumbledore waited until everybody had sat and calmed down so he could speak up, to all the crowd.

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champion selection!" Dumbledore said loudly, and then lowered the light of the room, leaving only the blue flame of the goblet illuminating the big room.

Dumbledore waited, walked around the goblet, slowly, waiting for something to happen, and suddenly, the flame became red and a piece of parchment pop out of the flames, landing on Dumbledore's hand.

"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum!" Dumbledore shouted, and the Durmstrang students cheered, and clapped at Krum, descending the stairs and walking towards Dumbledore, which he gave him the parchment, and sent him to another room.

A few more seconds, and the flame turned red again, spitting out another piece of parchment which Dumbledore caught.

"The champion of Beauxbatons, is Fleur Delacour." Dumbledore said, and all the students from Beauxbatons, dressed all in blue as well, clapped their hands at a blonde girl walking towards Dumbledore, and disappearing in the same room Viktor did.

"The Hogwarts champion Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore shouted, and I saw the Hufflepuff table started clapping at a light brown hair boy, who stood up, with a wide smile on his mips, greeting Dumbledore and disappearing in the same room as the others.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions." Dumbledore said loudly, making our gazes all focused on him. "But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory...the Triwizard Cup!" Dumbledore pointed backwards him, making us turned our gazes at a blue shining cup, so bright that almost made my eyes hurt.

But, Dumbledore looked back at the Goblet that was in front of him, as did all of us, when saw the blue flamed turning red once more, spitting another piece of parchment, leaving us shocked.

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