Chapter 25

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Charlotte keeps telling me to let Matthew have some time for himself, but I feel we need at least to talk, even if it ends up in a argument, at least I got the opportunity to talk with him.

I'm seeing Draco smile way more often than before, which really makes me feel good, his smile is the most beautiful one I've ever seen, and the only one that can make me be with him forever, just to look at that soft and genuine smile, and his diamond eyes.

Umbridge has been taking over the entire school, imposing new rules every single days he, she is even questioning the teachers for some kind of evaluation, which means no good.

As I climbed down the stairs to the common room, I found Matthew, alone, probably going ahead to his classes, I probably should let him go, but I wouldn't imediatly called as soon as I saw him.

"Matthew, wait!" I shouted, he hesitated for a moment, before stopping his tracks, and slowly turned to me.

His face showed no emotion, his lips were in a firm line, he showed no interest for speaking with me, but still, here he is.

I looked him in the eye, the deep blue eyes, that once made me melt in the endless ocean in them, but not any more, his eyes were no longer in ocean but ice colors, showing nothing more than rage and coldness.

Matthew has never been like that, it's true, I once had feelings for him, but not anymore...

"What do you want, Lara?" He asked coldly, even his tone towards me made me flinch, we looked like completely strangers, or enemies even, that hate each other.

"Look, I just want to say, I'm sorry and-" He cut me off.

"Yeah, yeah, and Malfoy is actually the good guy, and I'm not, and he's different around you, and you miss your bestfriend, yeah Lara, I know that story, I'm used to it by now, spare your words for something more important." He said firmly, and started to turn away from me.

"What did we become, Matthew?" I asked before he had the chance to walk away, I wouldn't let that happen, not this time.

He stared at me for a moment, his eyes showed nothing but rage, but also regret.

"What did you, become Lara." He asked after some seconds of silence, his tone firm and cold towards me.

"I'm the same, Matthew, I just see things differently from you, Charlotte agrees with me now, and you should-" He cut me off.

"I heard about your mother." He said firmly, making me lock my gaze with him, waiting for something else from him to say. "I went to speak with you that day, at dinner, and then I saw you with him..." He said coldly, and drove his gaze from me in embarrassment, I know how he have must felt, probably betrayed and replaced. "I'm truly sorry about your mother, Lara, and I'm here if you need, but, I think it's for the best if we just, be separated for a time."

"But, why? Why do you still think Draco is the bad guy and that he's not different when he's with me-" He cut me off.

"It's true, I still think he's the bad guy, but I believe in you now, when you say he's different about you..." He said firmly. "And that only makes things worse." He said calmly, and started to walk away from me.

"No, Matthew wait!" I shouted but he ignored me, and walked away from me.

I stood there for a few moments, replaying everything that happened, what could his words possibly mean.

I wanted my bestfriend back, and I was far from doing so, perhaps it was better if I listen to him and let him have a time for himself...

Perhaps Charlotte told him something, perhaps he saw the same thing Charlotte did at dinner - whatever it was - but still, I don't know what it's wrong with him, but I will find out, sooner or later...

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