Chapter 52

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I woke, to see that it was almost afternoon, not that I cared, Charlotte had already went to her house, as well as Matthew, which just made my life easier.

The only reason that I get out of my room for, is to either eat something, or just to go to the library, trying to know what a bloody Unbreakable Vow is.

I dressed myself in warm clothes, in made my way to the top of the library, it's been a week, a week since I heard that word coming out of Snape's mouth, and still, I haven't found anything of what a Unbreakable Vow is.

There was no one in the library, except for a fifth year, Ravenclaw girl, studying hard for her O.W.Ls, I'm used to see here now, she comes everyday as I do as well.

I waved and smiled at her as I passed the table she was in, and walked towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts section.

This is the section I've been always coming to, it would take me ages to read all of the books of all the library, centuries even, so I had to risk and think that the Unbreakable Vow would be related to the D.A.D.A.

But after a week of research, I have been losing my faith about my choice, and I started thinking that, if I didn't know such thing, perhaps that's because the information about it would be in the Restricted section, but I had no way to storm in there without being caught, but I had almost sure that was where I would get the information I wanted.

As I pretended to search for a book in Defense Against the Dark Arts section, my gaze was quietly examinating the Restricted Section, searching for ways to break in when no one was watching.

I said I would crawl into the darkness or even hell itself if I had to, again, I had nothing to loose, and lots to win, and if that meant that to rot in hell, than I would proudly do, the heaven is no longer made for me either ways.

Find out what was an Unbreakable Vow, was the very first step of a long journey.

I has to be discreet while eying the Restricted section, I couldn't look like I was actually staring at me, fearing that Madam Prince might suspected of something.

The only way to read some book from the Restricted section was if I had a special note signed by a Professor, which I would never have, so I need to do this all by the help of my mind, and if I look like my mother then I knew I would find a way of doing such.

Suddenly, the blonde girl that usually is also here studying for her O.W.Ls passed throught me, and I smiled, and quickly diverted my eyes to the books.

I realized that my plan could turn out to be really bad, and so, even though I haven't thought this through and it maybe had been a precipitated attitude of the words I was about to ask.

"Hey hmmm..." I turned to the girl who was behind me picking up more books. "Do you know something about an Unbreakable Vow is for...a Snape essay." I said giving a excuse for my interest in these.

"Yeah of course, it's a spell where a witch or wizard makes an oath to another, with the end to not break it." Seeing that she actually knew what it was caught me by surprise.

My plan to break in the Restricted section would no longer be necessary as I showed my full attention at her.

"If you want to know more, this is not going to take you anywhere, go to Spells and Charms section, shelve number 6 to be more precise, you will find the book you're looking for there." She said softly, pointing to where the section was.

"Oh, right, how didn't I thought about that?"

How really?

How haven't I thought at first that this wouldn't be about Dark Arts, but a spell, a incantation.

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