Chapter 12

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I didn't came back to the Ball after that, instead I preferred being in my dorm rather than being alone there.

Luckily, Charlotte was already fallen asleep when I arrived, because I had no intentions to explain her where was I, at this very moment, I had too much things in my head to argue with her.

It was hard for me to fall asleep, I could still feel his warm touch in my skin, his grey eyes, shining like a rough diamond, fixed on mine, how safe I felt under his touch, and how my body reacted to it.

I woke up to find Charlotte, sat in the edge of her bed, her arms crossed in front of her chest, looking down at me, I almost could see the rage she had accumulated.

"Good morning-" She cut me off while I was rubbing my eyes, and sitting down in the bed.

"May I ask where were you last night." She said coldly, not taking her eyes off me.

"I...was tired of being in there, so I went out to take some air." I said softly, looking at her eyes as well.

"Take some air you say?" She raised her eyebrowns, and I nodded my head. "It's funny how I saw Malfoy imediatly leaving Parkinson alone, as soon as he saw you leaving the Great Hall." When she said those words, I felt guilty hit my chest, the felling I hated the very most, I knew where this was going, as I also knew I had to tell her the truth. "You have been with him, haven't you." She said, muttering the words very clearly, almost like she was the one who just answered her own question.

"Charlotte, please I can explain-" She cut me off abruptly.

"And you had the guts to lie to me in my eyes." She said firmly.

I drove my eyes off her, knowing she was right, Matthew was right I should've told her before, avoiding the possibility of her finding out like this.

"I'm sorry." I said, looking down at my palms.

"You're sorry?! Lara, you promised me you wouldn't talk with him, but you lied." She shouted abruptly. "Have you see what speaking with him mad you become?!"

I didn't replied anything, I didn't wanted to argue with her, she had her point, and I had mine, no matter if anyone believed it or not.

"You're not going to say anything?" She asked firmly, as I felt her gaze burning on my face.

"He's different around me, he's like you and Matthew say he is, you-" She cut me off again.

"He's playing with you Lara, he's not different, Malfoy doesn't have that side you insist to claim he has." Her words hit me like hot blades, burning into my skin as they were pronounced, every word being carved into my skin.

"I don't want to argue with you now Charlotte." I said firmly, standing up from the bed to dress my clothes.

"Oh you don't want to argue, then stop lying, and talking with Malfoy." She said abruptly, as I ignored her and grabbed my clothes to go the bathroom. "Yes keep walking away from your problems." She shouted as I closed the door harshly.


I went to find Matthew as soon as I left the bathroom, and tell him everything that happened with Charlotte, looking for his advice, ignoring how awkward would be being with him now.

So in the dinner time I sat with him, and told him everything, all Charlotte has told me, he was quiet for most of my conversation, making a firm face as I kept talking, and eating his food with no intentions for reply to me after I told him everything

"You're not going to say anything?" I asked softly, when I saw his lips in a firm line, and his face not showing any expression.

"No." He said coldly.

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