Chapter 23

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Charlotte has been a bit odd lately, but she's back to normal, at least is what it seems like, like before all this, I got my bestfriend back, but now the only remaining is Matthew.

I have to admit, Draco is not wrong at all, Matthew was being a bit of a coward by ignoring me, by avoiding facing me, I know he's here in the school, but he does his very best not to find me, but he can't do that forever.

I've thought about knocking on his door dorm, but the chances of him opening it for me were, quite low, and I wouldn't break in, and he knows that.

Classes with Umbridge have been extremely boring, despite the fact that I still want to tell her some good things, everytime she does that little smile of her, towards me.

Me and Charlotte went to Potions class, the last one for the day, this day has been exhausting enough for only a day, and I can't wait for it to be over.

"Who of you can tell me, what is the purpose, to brew a Draught of Peace?" Snape asked firmly to the class, as he was standing in the middle of the classroom.

Hermione imediatly raised her hand, but Snape, waited for someone else to raise their hands, but no one did, which let him frustrated when he had to let Hermione answer.

"It relieves anxiety and agitation, it should be a turquoise blue when finished and shimmered before anyone consume it." She said firmly.

"Yes, and this specific concoction, usually comes up at your Ordinary Wizarding Level, so I reckon you to be focused." He said, walking towards his desk full of ingredients and a cauldron, on top of it.

I tried to keep my attention on Snape most of the time, but many times my gaze drove by itself by the deep feeling of grey eyes burning on my skin.

I caught him looking at me, many times, he didn't looked away when saw me noticing him, instead, he locked our gazes together.

For a few seconds, I wasn't in this classroom, with the old smell of this antiquated classroom, and musty ingredients, I was back at the Astronomy Tower, with him, only him, stargazing, his astonishing grey eyes being illuminated by the dazzling stars, making me get lost within the river in them.

But all that vanished away, when I heard my name being called, and bringing me to the real world, where we are just two souls among a billion others.


In the dinner, my gaze went all over the Great Hall, trying to see Matthew as soon as I sat down, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, while eating, I felt someone sat in front of me, but when I looked up, I was surprised by who my eyes were witnessing.

It wasn't Matthew but Draco.

I didn't said anything in the first seconds he had sat down in front of me, trying to see if I was dreaming or not, and why is he here.

"What are you doing?" I asked softly, as his gaze was locked with mine, all the time since I looked up at him.

"You need to find new friends, Blackwell." He said firmly. "Besides, Pansy doesn't stop speaking of herself just because she's a prefect with me." He said showing annoyance in his words.

"You're a prefect?" I asked, raising my eyebrowns.

"Blackwell..." He took a deep breath. "I can't deny how disappointed I am for your ignorance over your own house." He said firmly, but with a hint of amusement in his tone.

"Yeah, you're perhaps right, but I just have been too worried about more important things that knowing who is our new prefect." I said softly, eating a piece of my food.

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