Chapter 79

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The Death Eaters left, however, their absence only made us rest, but not celebrate yet, only cry over the state of our school.

My heart ached at the sight of the young small kids, layed in the floor, lifeless among the wreckage of the castle, and tears started streaming down my face.

Draco hugged me for a few seconds, while I let it all out, the pain, the sorrow, all the tears that needed to come out.

McGonagall and the rest of the staff bringed the corpses to inside the castle, putting them in the Great Hall, which was in ruins as well, but we still had find clear places to rest from the war.

Such war that wasn't even close to be over.

Is exhausting, to fight in a war, for a purpose to bring the peace to this world, and it seems worth it in the end, but when we look on what we have lost our mind wonders.

What is peace, if we need a war to conquer it first?

I sound like my mother, I knew she would be fighting until the end, until her body gave up, all she ever wanted in the end was peace, which was the way she left this world that was too destroyed for her.

My eyes have witnessed so many death tonight that I think I will never be able to sleep without the flashes from this day haunt my dreams and turn them into nightmares.

Madame Pomfrey, and Slughorn and the few people who knew about healing, were helping with the injured when we stepped in the Great Hall, the corpses still layed on the floor, as the teachers and students were still covering them.

Blaise suddenly appeared standing next to us, catching my attention and Draco's.

"Mate!" Draco shouted as he gave him a hug with a small slap on each other's back.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I said as I hugged him tightly. "How are you feeling?" I asked softly after pulling away.

His face was dirty from all the explosions, his forehead full of dry sweat, and his grey shirt was ripped, despite that he didn't seemed to be injured.

"Alive." He said nodding his head. "A bit charred from earlier but alive." He said amusingly, making a wide smile appear in our lips.

However his smile was wiped away as soon as his gaze looked over to where the corpses were.

"Hell of a war, huh?" Blaise said, carefully eyeing all the bodies. "What about you, how are you guys?" He asked softly.

"Tired, and sore, but nothing that can't be healed." Draco said calmly, as his hand went to wrap around mine.

I caught sight of Charlotte and Matthew, Madame Pomfrey was healing Charlotte's right arm, that the last time I saw was soaked in blood.

We walked over to where she was sat, she gave me a thin smile when she saw me, and so did Matthew.

Madame Pomfrey was finishing to spread Essence of Dittany on Charlotte's arm, her bloody sleeve had been ripped from her clothes, making the deep wound she had from her shoulder to her elbow all exposed, she flinched each time the essence touched her skin, I could tell that her wound was pretty bad.

"How are you feeling?" I asked softly, as I sat in the same bench as she was.

"From someone who could've had lost the arm, I think I'm feeling alright-ouch." Charlotte said calmly but raising her voice when the essence touched a highly infectionated part of the wound. "What about you?" She turned her gaze to me.

"I have felt better, but I'm okay." I said vaguely, not exactly knowing how to deal with everything that is happening, and that has happened.

Madame Pomfrey finished with a white bandage that she wrapped around her while arm, that quickly got stained with blood seconds after she finished the job.

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