Chapter 77

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I walked through the corridors along with Draco, his hand interlaced with mine, he had waited for me at my dorm door, so we could leave together, he has been way more protective, he feels as well as I do that a war was about to come.

We were about to have Dark Arts, with of course, Amycus, honestly his last classes have been terrifying he mostly talks about the Cruciatus Curse for some reason, and his gaze looks many times at Neville, which is not questionable at all.

However, as soon as we stepped in the class, our steps came to an halt at what our eyes sighted.

There were no chairs, no tables, anything, which quickly made me realize that today's class would be practical which does not brings me good feelings about it.

A reason for my intrigue as well, was the fact that there were first years on our classroom, my gaze still tried to remember if I didn't made a mistake and I wouldn't be having Dark Arts at this moment, but the pure confusion of my other classmates here as well confirmed that I was in the right class, but still doesn't explain why are the first years kids here.

We were all looking at each other, confused gazes being throwed all over the room, and we ended up making a shape of a half circle, waiting for Amycus, who was just standing watching us, to say something.

"So..." Amycus started, and slowly paced until the center of the circle we made. "You might me wondering, why are your younger classmates in our latest, so let me clarify that for you..." He took an unnecessary pause between his words until he spoke again. "I've decided that it's more than the perfect time for you to start performing the Cruciatus Curse, which will be tested on them." He said firmly.

The class gasped at his words, and I felt like almost fainting at such atrocity that he had just spoken, torture a kid, a eleven years old kid, that's not such a punishment that's a cold cruelty, vicious, and empty hearted, only a pure ville person could be capable of such without feeling any remorse.

"Silence..." He said firmly, and our attention went to him again, who grabbed randomly one of the kids, and positioned him in the center where he was seconds ago.

It was a Gryfindor boy, light, curly, brown hair, just a bit freckles spread over his cheeks, eyes the color of the sea, which here also surrounded by one due to him being frightened, his whole body was shaking, his features were still so young and unharmed, his skin still so smooth, but the usual shine I always found on children eyes, wasn't in him, the only shine was from his tears.

"So, who is going to volunteer first?" Amycus asked firmly.

Everybody stood in the place, unmoving, incapable to hurt a kid like that, even the rest of the Slytherins who seemed to like Amycus classes were disturbed now, also unmoved.

"Very well...I'll pick one then." He said angrily for no one to have volunteered themselves, and picked Neville, dragging him by the wrist until he was facing the kid. "Mr. Longbottom I think you will like this very much." Amycus said sarcastically. "Come on, perform the curse."

"Never!" Neville shouted. "I will never do such thing!" He said firmly, his jaw clenching at Amycus, who seemed to be amused by his reaction.

"You filthy disrespectful boy!" Amycus features darkened and he took out his wand in a quick movement, and made a deep gash on his cheek, some old ones were still in his face, still healing, while this one was now bleeding.

Neville kept a firm face even after the gasp of pain he let out, and stepped back to our circle.

"Let me show you how it's done." Amycus said firmly and pointed his wand at the shaking boy still in the center of the room, his knees almost failing to steady him.

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