Chapter 7

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"Lara! Wake up you're gonna get late." I heard a voice calling my name, and I slowly opened my eyes, waking up to find Charlotte shaking my bodie in a rush.

"What? Wait what time is it?" I asked softly, rubbing my eyes, but my eyes still half closed.

I stretched my bodie, still extremely tired for not having properly sleep.

"Lara, for Merlin's sake get up, you have like five minutes to dress and go to class!" Charlotte said in a concerned tone.

"What?!" I shouted and quickly stood up from the bed, walking forward to the dresser.

I dressed the quickest I could ignoring the huge headache I had due to arriving so late last night.

"Lara, honestly, this is not like you!" Charlotte said, while I was putting on my clothes.

"I'm sorry, I just...didn't had enough sleep." I said awkwardly as an excuse, while buttoning my shirt.

"Lara honestly what has been into you lately..." Charlotte said frustrated, sitting on the bed, waiting for me to finish dressing. " this because of Malfoy?" She asked abruptly.

"What, n-" She cut me off.

"Are you still talking with him?!" She asked abruptly, standing up and walking towards me, as I was putting on my robe.

"No Charlotte I'm not..." I let out a deep sigh and grabbed my bag. "Let's just go ahead to class." I said not wanting to speak about this no more, having to lie to my bestfriend is one of the things I hate the most.

And like if the things couldn't get worse the first class of the day was Potions, with Snape.

Fortunately, we got there in time, everybody was already sat down, but Snape didn't said anything to us, and I don't think he even noticed our rushed entrance.

Snape was just talking about some review on the Ageing Potion, as I was resting my face on my palm, almost falling asleep, not being able to keep up with the class...

"Miss Blackwell..." Snape said firmly, and I quickly raised my head, and realized that my eyes were closed and I was sleeping. "...Do you have some kind of issue, finding the distinction between my class and your dorm?" He asked clearly, making all the class look at me.

"Hmmm I-" He cut me off, not that I was really going to reply anyway.

"Detention Miss Blackwell, tomorrow, after classes." He said firmly and went back to his explanation.

I rolled my eyes in frustration, and tried my best for the rest of the class not to fall asleep.


Through the whole day, I was almost falling asleep, even in classes, I barely could give attention to the professors or else I would fall asleep faster then a blink of eyes.

Charlotte was always snapping her fingers in front of my face every time she saw me almost falling asleep.

I've never been so tired in my life, and my headache was not helping, to be honest, I looked miserable, and it would be so hard to study everything we gave in class in the library the next day, all by myself.

Charlotte went to hang out with her special friend like she calls it, and I waited for Matthew to show up in the Great Hall and dinner with me.

And as soon as I was about to fall asleep, and hit my face on the plate, Matthew shows up and I wake up, resting my face on my palm.

"Hey. What's wrong with you?" Matthew asked concerned, sitting in front of me.

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