Chapter 26

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I climbed down the stairs, walking towards the Great Hall to have dinner, but I bumped into someone.

I looked up, to see Pansy Parkinson, looking angry or upset about something, the worst is that so something, seemed to be me for the way she looked down at me.

"I'm sorry, I just want to-" I tried to pass throught her, but she placed an arm in front of me, blocking my way.

"It's funny, Draco seems to be really interested in you, after all, it's him who you're going to have dinner now, isn't he?" She asked coldly, but not waiting for a response from my part. "What kind of enchantment did you put him under?" She asked and I furrowed my eyebrowns.

"Enchantment? What are you talking about-" She cut me off.

"Let me get straight to the point." She said firmly, resting a hand on her hip. "Stay away from Draco, and, perhaps, I will not ruin your life, what do you think?" She asked, but cut me off before I could even speak. "Consider yourself warned." With that she stormed away from me, leaving me standing, speeches at the entrance of the Great Hall.

I stood still in the place, trying to understand what just happened, and then finally walked inside the Great Hall, Draco was already sat down, waiting for me.

"What happened to you?" Draco asked when saw my shocked face.

"No-Nothing." I said, driving my gaze off him, I didn't intended to lie, shamelessly on his face, but I didn't wanted to seem fragile about someone like Pansy, I can handle the things by myself.

"Liar." He said firmly, it's astonishing how he knows me so well, to be honest.

"I'm not-" I took a deep breath, choosing my words wisely. "It's nothing that I can't handle myself." I said firmly and looked at him, that part was true at least.

"So tell me what is it then." He said firmly, tilting his head to catch my eyes.

"Draco, please forget it, it's nothing important." I said softly.

"Your face tells otherwise." He said firmly.

He was right, somehow, Pansy got under my skin, and her words affected me more than I expected to, but I can handle this myself, I just didn't know how yet.

"Draco, can we just eat, please?" I said softly, locking my gaze with him, he eyed me for a moment, trying to see what was wrong with me, and nodded after that, obviously upset for not telling him what happened.


In the next day, a Saturday, I decided to take a walk by myself thought the hallways, just to, clear my mind.

I wasn't afraid of Pansy or of what she could do, Draco is my - odd thype - friend, so I wouldn't definitely stop talking or having dinner with him.

The reason behind this whole threatening thing is what I don't know, perhaps she was jealous for Draco spending time with me instead of her - and if she finds out that we're together every night in the Astronomy Tower, that would make things even worse - but, I could simply tell her that I have no feelings towards Draco, and neither does he, everybody knows he must like Pansy as well, he took her to the Ball and everything, therefore, Pansy would understand she got nothing to fear off.

While lost in my thoughts, I saw myself, in the seventh floor, there isn't much in here, I barely come to this floor.

As I turned around to leave I found Harry, he didn't noticed me at first, he was carefully reading some parchment and then smiled at me when saw me.

"Oh hi Lara." Harry said, folding his parchment. "Er- What are you doing here?" He asked softly.

"Just came for a walk, clear my thoughts, what about you?" I asked softly.

"Er- I- Same thing as you." He said nervously.

"Okay..." I said, eyeing him carefully, something was off, and he was clearly lying, but I didn't really cared about that. "Well, see you around Harry." I said after a few seconds, smiling at him.

"Yeah see ya." He said as I passed throught him. "Lara, wait!" I hear him call me when I was already a feet steps away from him.

I slowly turned around to see him hesitant about something.

"Er- actually, I didn't came here only for a walk." He said nervously.

Well, tell me something I don't know.

"Okay, why are you here then?" I asked, I wasn't really interested anyways.

"The others will not appreciate me showing this hate Umbridge as much as I do right?" He asked.

The others? Which others? Who is he talking about, or what is he talking about, I was completely clueless of whatever was he referring to, maybe talking a thought of himself outloud.

"Yeah of course I do." I said softly.

"And the fact that she doesn't allow us to use magic." I nodded my head at his question, already a bit annoyed for him not going straight to the point.

"Lara, if I show you something, do you promise to keep secret?" He asked nervously, slowly stepping closer to me.

"Yeah, of course Harry." I said softly.

"Great, just come with me, I going to show you something." Harry grabbed my hand, and pulled me, trough the hallway, and stopped in front of a blank wall.

For moments, I wondered whether if he was gotten mental for the way he was looking at the wall, waiting for something to happen, but, when I was about to ask why were we standing, looking at a empty wall, something started to appear, a door.

A big door started to appear in the wall that was empty a few seconds ago, as I tried to see if I was delusional.

Harry pulled the door opened and I found myself in a wide room, looking like a war room instead our classrooms.

There were mirrors in the walls, a fire place in the end of the room, stone floor, instead of the lot of students inside of it, the room appeared to be quite empty.

"Where are we Harry?" I asked, as my gaze scanned the whole room, ignoring all the eyes glued at me, whispering, I didn't ignored the fact I was the only slytherin here.

"Lara, let me present you, the Dumbledore's army." Harry said.

"Dumbledore's army? And what's the purpose of this anyway?" I asked softly, driving my gaze to him now.

"This is the Room of Requirement, where we're practicing Defense Against the Dark Arts, without Umbridge's knowledge of course." He said smiling.

"And let me guess, you want me to be part of it." I said smirking.

"Well, like you may noticed, some people didn't exactly agreed with my decision, but I remember when you first stood up against Umbridge, so I thought you might want to be part of this." Harry said, giving a look at the large room. "So, what do you think?" Harry asked softly.

"When do I start?"

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