Chapter 73

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The days passed like flashes through my eyes, Easter holidays came fast and so far no news from my father, however receiving any letter from him wouldn't change the fact that I was going with Draco to the Manor wether he likes it or not.

In the morning I packed all my things, my flowers, my clothes, and waited for Draco to knock on my door ready to go to the Station.

I probably never been so nervous to go in holidays before, I don't know why but I was, I was fearing the worse, my fathwr didn't sent me any letter and that fact was terrifying, but I tried to stay calm and think that perhaps he was only busy.

Draco helped me with bags and truck, the Station filled with death eaters as usual, and met Blaise and went to a empty cabin together.

"So tell me...has your father sent any other letter." Blaise asked, he was sat in the seat opposite to us, being facing both me and Draco.

"Don't mind answering...he's just still affected because you did as I told, and read the letter." Draco said amusingly.

"She burned it's a tie." Blaise said firmly.

"No, he didn't sent me any." I said, and for much that saying that out loud affects me I was still laughing at both arguing about who won.

"Are you both going to the Manor?" Blaise asked us.

"Yeah, why?" I said softly.

"Lucky, this prat never took me again." Blaise said pointing at Draco with his chin, and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"So you could torment my elfs by asking them more food at each five minutes..." Draco said amusingly, but Blaise didn't replied, just rolled his eyes in annoyance.

We spent the trip with them talking, while my interest was far away from their conversation, but with the end of the trip, check if my father was okay, Draco keeps telling me that should anything happen to him and Narcissa would tell him, but yet, the thought doesn't leave my mind.

I was always looking at the window, playing with my necklace as I did so, and hoped for the trip not to last long.

Narcissa was waiting for us at the Station 9¾, both of us smiled at seeing her there, despite the fact of she looking extremely tired, way more thinner, her bags under the eyes exposed her state, and it broke my heart at the sight of it.

"Draco..." She said softly as she hugged him tightly. "I'm so glad you both are fine."

She pulled away, and turned to me, also giving me a tight hug.

"Hello, Lara." She said softly. "I'm so glad you decided to come with Draco." She said after pulling away and I gave her a smile.


The Manor was as usual, colder of course, colder than it should be around Easter time, but it's not surprising why thinking on the fact of the color of the skin, an all mist covering everything, it was hard to distinguish the day from the night.

It wasn't necessary for her to lead us to my room, Draco went with me, bringing my bags along with him.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he placed the bags in the room.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, not even looking at him, playing with my own fingers.

"I'm going to ask my mother if your father is around." He said, as if reading my mind, and I turned finally to him.

"Thank you." I said softly, and he left the room.

I looked around, I remembered of how I once thought about this Manor, about studying the paintings, I didn't really had somewhere to do or go, so while I waited for Draco, I thought about giving a look around the Manor.

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