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I always liked hurting people.

With men I hurt them physically and mentally, tearing their lives apart bit by bit. It was easy having the Livingston name to get away with it all.

Hurting women gave me a different satisfaction, it was never physical (i'm not a monster, that type of monster) maybe what I did was worse. Since I was a teenage boy, I had women lined up to please me and I never loved anything more than making them break.

It was simple, making them fall in love, so in love that I was all they thought about. That part was easy really. I mean women fall in love with the bare minimum. Sending them roses, paying for their meal, dedicating a song to them, simple things like that.

Once they have fallen in love the next step was what I lived for. Breaking their heart. Watching their eyes water, their lip quiver, the best is when they try to act as if they don't care, but I know they do and I can just see it all over their face. It was worth it.

This behavior didn't stop even when I graduated from Ilvermorny, top of my class of course continued throughout my years at Harvard school of business. I worked for my fathers company, I am the oldest of three boys and well the perfect son.

Unlike most pureblood families the Livingston family loves muggles, well loved making a profit off them. We owned half of New York and we controlled more than half the jobs MACUSA had to offer.

You could either get far on our good side or never amount to anything if you get on our bad side.

Most may see me as superficial and they are right. I never cared about anyone that didn't benefit me or made me money. Simple.

Even getting married was simple, my father arranged it with a Russian elitist family. Didn't even know Russian yet I brought home a women as my wife. See then again my family now had large stocks in her family's oil industry. Profit.

It stopped getting simple when I had my daughter. Ivory. I saw women as something to nurture not conquer. And I knew karma was going to bite me in the ass. Because I now loved one single person, my daughter. Her mother dying during child birth meant it would just be us two.

Raising her to be just like me, hours of private training and tutoring, advanced placement in all her courses she was set to inherit the fortune. My brothers all had idiot children who were spoiled or soft they couldn't even compare to my Ivory, my father constantly reminded them.

But I always wanted more. When I heard about the ministry falling apart in Europe I saw my future flash in front of me and knew what I had to do.

"Follow my words Micheal and you will be minister for magic in one year" Voldemort placed his grey like hands on the table

"I will work for Scrimgeour in the mean time my lord" I hated that title he wasn't a lord

" infiltrate the ministry, buy everything you can, fire who I ask, have leverage on these people" Voldemort did not need confirmation, the smile on my face said it all.

Leaky Cauldron, Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade all were bought the following week. It felt nice walking around a new place knowing I owned everything.

Telling my daughter wouldn't be a problem, she was adaptable and she was just like I was at that age, she was cunning, knew how to manipulate people and never cried. So when I told her we were moving to London before her sixth year all I got was "Okay"

But I needed to make some alliances in this new territory, the purebloods were an easy target, meeting them at the ministry I could tell they were intimidated by me and my new purchases

Lucius, Theodore, Casein were all in Azkaban, lucky for me, I had no competition at the ministry

I set up my brother Ethans twin sons and Christopher's oldest son to take over their jobs, Scrimgeour had no objections since they were more than qualified

This infuriated people at the ministry claiming "We should have had the chance to at least interview for those positions, it isn't fair" and when asked for a statement all I said was

"Life isn't fair... not if you're not a Livingston"

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